3,121 How to create a project exe file?

by Hariendran

3,126 Changing table structure

by smurugan

3,127 Automatic Assigning of Values

by jestoy.olazo

3,128 Whats New 1.39

by atanubehigh

3,129 2 Questions

by bluckus

3,130 data not saved in table

by atanubehigh

3,131 Search using fragments of name

by inesa.dot

3,132 Create a Menu bar and a Toolbar

by gamalier_ramirez

3,133 Fill in the required fields

by carlo_dj

3,134 Near "Title": Syntax Error

by hasseno

3,135 Duplicate Forms

by rharkonen

3,136 Form header menu

by kristofdb

3,137 Multiple grids

by mchael

3,138 Import and Export

by pixelhead

3,139 How to handle this error

by atanubehigh

3,141 Compiling

by LarryB

3,142 Please i need help to solve these CASES

by gamalier_ramirez

3,143 Timer object

by carlo_dj

3,144 Change starting form

by pepper

3,145 What's New 1.38

by DriveSoft

3,147 What's New 1.37

by DriveSoft

3,148 Problem with text box object

by carlo_dj