1,172 Calculated field

by kees.krause

1,174 DoubleClick on grid open a form

by mmarcin_de

1,177 Login:Wrong username/password

by mmarinszcz

1,179 pls help me

by hilal

1,180 Form1 On Show then button1 click

by toutheveste

1,181 Time format Issue

by scribtx

1,182 error text

by chanthait

1,183 database online

by stefano.capasso

1,184 RANK

by manixs2013

1,186 Incremental Search

by kees.krause

1,188 Bug Found in 6.3

by blackpearl8534

1,189 autofil

by blackpearl8534

1,190 audit trail

by manixs2013

1,191 combo box items

by blackpearl8534

1,192 Get the last date for the task

by leprince2007

1,194 Problems with ParentComboBox

by rufmersamlabag

1,196 Upgrades

by Agilefalcon

1,198 Adding new quantity

by v_pozidis

1,199 EXE FILE

by manixs2013

1,200 tableGrid color

by amir-t