Topic: New versions and features calendar

Hi all!

At the beginning I want to congratulate the MVD team for goood job at MyVisualDatabase! It gave me hope to make some soft very simple, so I am looking foward new versions and features. But.. I can't find any calendar info about new releases dates and it's features... f.e. many users (logins) or creating menu.

So when can we expect logins and creating menu stuff?

it isn't anywhere or I just missed it?

I suggest to create section at forum with 'new features' where people can comment their ideas - if you want to - of course! smile
It also be helpfull see some section for bugs

Re: New versions and features calendar


Thank you.
Unfortunately I do not have a development plan for the moment.

For use logins and creating menu you can use script, here you can download example, how to create menu, and login.

If you want, you can create topic 'new features'

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 35.27 kb, 1794 downloads since 2014-07-06 

Attachment icon 1.5 kb, 604 downloads since 2014-07-06 


Re: New versions and features calendar

Thanks a lot!

Login - works
but menu not: Undeclared identifier: 'Insert'

Should it work or that files are only guidelines?

I'm sorry for such questions but I chose MVD because my non programing skills.

Re: New versions and features calendar

Please, download unofficial 1.42 version here: …


Re: New versions and features calendar

DriveSoft, why is it "unofficial"?

Re: New versions and features calendar

well, I saw another size of builder.dll. So how it works? what kind of difference from the version 1.41?

Re: New versions and features calendar

It's beta version of 1.42

In moment, just bug fixes and added method Insert for TMenu


Re: New versions and features calendar

DriveSoft, good news.
one more... what is the name of included MenuItems "Инструменты" and "О программе"? like "Файл" named mniFile.

Re: New versions and features calendar

File (Файл) = mniFile
Options (Инструменты) = mniOptions
About (О программе) = mniAbout


Re: New versions and features calendar

Thanks! contains menu and it works with 1.42 version.

I have one question:

procedure MenuClick3 (Sender: string);
     ShowMessage('Hello from subitem');

What is command (line) to show specific form instead of showing message?

Thank you in advance and very sorry for noobish questions wink

Re: New versions and features calendar

My friend found it:

formname.Show; (f.e.;)

But how to show form in the same window? (with menu)

Re: New versions and features calendar

caylea1, I guess you should create a main menu on your form manually.

also you can call MessageDlg. try it