Topic: Localize


i want localize my application , is possible do that?


Re: Localize

what do you mean - localize?

Re: Localize

Translate the application into different languages, is it possible?


Re: Localize

what part of application you want to be translated?

Re: Localize

labels, buttons etc so if the application is downloaded from italy will show itlian text, if is from england will show english text or from spain will show spanish text

Re: Localize

i think it is impossible and so far i have not seen any application like you say

Re: Localize

Ok no problem

Re: Localize

You can do localization using script but without auto detect language, if you need, I will make an example how to do it.


Re: Localize

I think he is talking about MVDB itself. At the moment, the application is only in English and Russian right? We could help Dmitry to bring a multilingual  version of MVDB on the market. We have many international users on this forum.

10 (edited by Eduardo Volpi 2016-12-18 16:26:15)

Re: Localize

Could you please provide an example  of localization using script please. Specially for translating "hints" strings from visual components like "image" and "dbfile" and any other string in the aplication.


if you can not see the image above, right click an choose open image..

11 (edited by derek 2016-12-19 06:46:33)

Re: Localize

Hello All,
I know that it doesn't answer some of the questions about MVD internal messages not being in the localised language (error messages, warnings etc) but it is quite straightforward to create a multi-language application (with only a bit of extra work).  As always with MVD, there will be many ways to achieve this but attached is a small application that I made to see how I might do it.
Basically, I just overlay panels on each form (one panel per language - I have used french and english in my example).  It is quickest to get everything as you want it to look on one panel and then copy and paste the first panel (all the objects on the panel are automatically included) to the second panel and then just change the labels, text hints etc.  Then for each form, you set which panel should be visible by script, depending on the language chosen.  Using panels keeps the script simple.
My example is very basic but it perhaps shows what can be done and gives people some ideas.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon multilingual with 373.13 kb, 1981 downloads since 2016-12-19 

Re: Localize

An example, how to translate all hints of  "image" and "dbfile"  on all forms in a project.

procedure TranslateForms (Form: TAForm);
    i,c: integer;
    c := Form.ComponentCount -1;
    for i := 0 to c do

        if Form.Components[i] is TdbFileToDatabase then
            TdbFileToDatabase(Form.Components[i]).LeftButton.Hint := 'Your hint';
            TdbFileToDatabase(Form.Components[i]).RightButton.Hint := 'Your hint';

        if Form.Components[i] is TToolButton then
            if TToolButton(Form.Components[i]).Hint = 'Open an image to save in the database' then
                TToolButton(Form.Components[i]).Hint :='Your hint';

            if TToolButton(Form.Components[i]).Hint = 'Export image from the database' then
                TToolButton(Form.Components[i]).Hint :='Your hint';

            if TToolButton(Form.Components[i]).Hint = 'Delete image' then
                TToolButton(Form.Components[i]).Hint :='Your hint';


Re: Localize

Wow! Thanks for such a great help!

If possible could you please point me out how to change the texts "Open file.. etc" on the Menu which is shown in the right button (Save) of a DBFile (TdbFileToDatabase) component.

Thank you

Re: Localize

Eduardo Volpi wrote:

Wow! Thanks for such a great help!

If possible could you please point me out how to change the texts "Open file.. etc" on the Menu which is shown in the right button (Save) of a DBFile (TdbFileToDatabase) component.

Thank you

Unfortunately it's not possible in the current version, but localization feature is planned.
