Topic: Creating unique auto incrementing field?

Hi Guys,

How can I create an unique auto incrementing field with text before (prefix) option?
Something similar to tGrid auto increment.
I like to use for numbering invoices, products, customers etc., such as INV 123 or INV-123 rather than just 123 which can be done with record count. Unfortunately, record count doesn't have prefix option or I'm missing it.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Creating unique auto incrementing field?

Hello Adam,
As always with MVD, different ways to do it - this is probably one of the simpler options (which is why I like it - LOL!!).

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Re: Creating unique auto incrementing field?


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Re: Creating unique auto incrementing field?

Thanks a lot Guys..........

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.