Topic: Features for MVD

Hey everyone.

I Wanted to ask if there's these features present:

Possibility to wordward tablegrids, instead of having the text going from one end to the other, is there a chance we can see multiple line breaks on a single table row?

Making a ghost selection on Comboboxes.

EG:. Using a filter to make selections visible, but unclickable , very useful to avoid selecting items with stock = 0

Re: Features for MVD


Please check out an example for multiple line text in tablegrid

Every component have property Enabled, set value False, to make component unclickable.

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Attachment icon RowsHeight 7.65 kb, 528 downloads since 2017-01-30 


3 (edited by VascoMorais 2017-01-30 23:11:48)

Re: Features for MVD

oh wow! these look so much better, nice! thanks.
How about ghosted combo box values? is it possible to do so? not the combobox itself but a content in the combobox

Re: Features for MVD

Do you mean that you would like to have a combo displaying values but if the stock=0 then people won't be able to select it? I guess this is gonna be very tricky! The best would be discard stock "0" in the combo as it adds confusion.

Re: Features for MVD

VascoMorais wrote:

oh wow! these look so much better, nice! thanks.
How about ghosted combo box values? is it possible to do so? not the combobox itself but a content in the combobox

Unfortunately I can't understand what do you mean "ghosted" ?


Re: Features for MVD

for instance Dmitry:

You have a combobox with the following items:


And all of them are clickable ok?

But imagine that Meat has stock = 0

it will show

Meat (grayed)

You can select Fruit and Vegetables, but not Meat now.

I could hide it with Filter Id_stock = <1 for example, but that brings us with another problem:

imagine that you want to see what someone had for dinner, and imagine he had choosen Meat, so you open the record that you had saved previsouly , and you will see the combobox "empty" or "unchosen" even tough the sql clearly has "ID 2" referenced to that combobox.

Re: Features for MVD

An example for you:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ComboBox 7.32 kb, 424 downloads since 2017-02-01 


Re: Features for MVD


Re: Features for MVD

Well.. bought MyVisualDatabase, now it's serious! smile