Topic: Grid Table Filter Not working


I am filtering the grid table by Day & its working fine.

But when

I added Boolean to my database, now it is not filtering database.

I am showing all batches on monday --- thesday .... so on in different table. to easy understand day schedule.

but now its not filtering after adding  Boolean  field in database.

Please see, i think its bug.

Go to Button - Temporary Batch Scheduling you will see the table that not filtering data for days.

please see project file attached … g.rar?dl=0

Nitin Ingale

Re: Grid Table Filter Not working

Hi Nitin,
Perhaps you can use calculated fields to replace 'Yes' or 'No' with the day of the week.
Please see attachment (I have only done it for 'Monday' and 'Tuesday' to show how it might be done).
Maybe this helps?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon boolean show Cation properties instate of 337.99 kb, 354 downloads since 2017-05-07 

3 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-05-07 10:49:55)

Re: Grid Table Filter Not working

Thanks you Sir,

(1st post)  -- Grid Table Filter Not working

I get the solution

i used --- ClassDay.ClassDay="Tuesday"

& its working with --- ClassDay.ClassDay='Tuesday'

Nitin Ingale

Re: Grid Table Filter Not working

Hi Nitin,
I'm not sure if I'm right, but I think the problem is that your grids use 'schedulingdb' as the primary table but your filter is on a related table ('classday'). 
This is okay but your filter needs to refer to the ID of the related table not one of the fields.  So you need to change your filter from classday.classday = "Monday" to = 1  etc, etc
Please see attached (I have done it for Monday(id = 1), Tuesday (id = 2) and Wednesday (id = 3).
Hope this makes sense and helps,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Grid Table Filter Not 1.88 mb, 389 downloads since 2017-05-07 

Re: Grid Table Filter Not working

Thanks Sir,

i just use ' ' instate of "  " and its working

Nitin Ingale