Topic: Preview picture in Gridlist

I know there is no possibility to see the preview from picture in grid right now. But My idea was to create
an picture field and show me the picture from Grid in this picture field. In grid I have an entry like: c:\pictures\123.bmp

If I change the row of grid the entry c:\pictures\123.bmp for example show me the picture in picture field.

Is that possible ?

I send you my project in attachment.

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Attachment icon 337.84 kb, 562 downloads since 2014-09-07 

Re: Preview picture in Gridlist


Please, download this example, how to do it: … download=1



Re: Preview picture in Gridlist


Thanks for this script

Very interesting for my project about birds.

My goal is to show picture of the bird when mouse is moving or entering on the name of the bird in the grid

Jean B.