Topic: Search not searching!

I've created a few searches in my project (which is for stock control) but they don't seem to work, unless I type in an exact match in the field.  E.g. I have two suppliers, depau and globomatik, but if I only type in "dep" in the name field the search doesn't find the record. I have to type in "depau" for it to be found.
Similarly in my items search, if I type anything in the description and hit the search button then all records are found. I've looked at the English manual and it appears I have set up the searches correctly, so don't know what I am doing wrong.
Using the "Simple CRM" application downloaded from this forum, the searches work great and as I would expect, but I can't see what the difference is between the searches in "Simple CRM" and mine.
Could anyone have a look an tell me what I am doing wrong please?

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2 (edited by derek 2017-07-18 16:41:51)

Re: Search not searching!

Hi Knobby,
You are 95% there.
By default, when you set up searches in MVD, it wants you to enter an exact match.
However, you can change this in the object properties of the search edit field (please see attached screen shot).
For example, set the filter to be s% to match from the start of what you type, %s% to match a character string anywhere in what you type etc etc.
Also note that you could have typed your search with the '%' wildcards yourself and it would have worked but it's not very user-friendly.
Hope this helps.

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Re: Search not searching!

Thanks again Derek.

I owe you beer!