Topic: Tablegrid filter

Hi folks,

I have a table called visits with 3 fields: date, comment and complete.

I have a form with a tablegrid which will show all the records from this table.

I want to show only the records where the "complete" field is "No"

Can someone please tell me the format of the filter I need to put in the tablegrid configuration? I've tried all kinds of formulae but nothing works - I just get an empty tablegrid.


Re: Tablegrid filter

Hi Knobby,
It depends on how you have defined the 'complete' field in your database - is it a simple text field where the user types something in, is it boolean (ie just a check box) or is it a dropdown (the user picks from a list).
Attached are 3 versions of the same thing with the 3 different filter types shown;  one of these should be okay for you.
Note that with the 'text' filter, you need to allow for users entering their response in upper or lower case (or a mix) - although you can always force the case to be upper or lower.  Personally, I tend to go with a dropdown (yes or no) as it's less ambiguous.

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Re: Tablegrid filter

Thanks again Derek.

I am using a checkbox, and it's now working great!