Topic: Show Logo in my front page

Hello MVD

I have a project with company setup wherein the information are stored in the database including the LOGO.  My problem, how can i display the LOGO in the frontpage of the project, since the MVD approach before to show the records you should have tablegrid to display the records in the form.

Pls. Help!

Re: Show Logo in my front page

Hi Manixs,
By default, MVD starts with the form that is the left-most of your defined forms.  So, if you have Form1, Form2 and Formlogo created as forms, simply drag the Formlogo tab to the left and then it becomes your starting form.  Then all you need to do is add a button to Formlogo that calls Form1.  There are actually quite a few different ways of doing it.
My attachment is a logo that is on a timer (but you can just have the logo and manually close it by editing the script).
Maybe this will give you some ideas,

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3 (edited by manixs2013 2017-07-28 11:02:27)

Re: Show Logo in my front page

Thank you for the support but this is not my idea.. I think this is a splash screen.  My point of view,  I have a table which store the logo then when the first form load the logo will displays in the form as fixed

I have sample here. When you run the project, the logo(image) does not appear but there is record in the database.

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Re: Show Logo in my front page

Check it out

procedure Form1_OnShow (Sender: string; Action: string);
    Form1.DBImage1.LoadFromDatabase('logo', 'logo', 1);

Re: Show Logo in my front page

Thank you driveSoft! Great!

Another request if you are free and willing.  Is there a possible way to show text record in the text box on the first load of the front page like the Logo?

Thank you!

Re: Show Logo in my front page

manixs2013 wrote:

Thank you driveSoft! Great!

Another request if you are free and willing.  Is there a possible way to show text record in the text box on the first load of the front page like the Logo?

Thank you!

Form.Edit1.Text := SQLExecute('SELECT fieldname FROM tablename WHERE id=1');

Re: Show Logo in my front page