Topic: Multiple comboboxes using the same table

A little help please. I have a form using a number comboboxes that use the same table as a data source. The comboboxes are all linked via relationships to the table which has a list  of locations. id_Location, id_Location1 and so on. The problem I'm having is displaying the data in a tablgrid. I tried using a search approach and  SQL without any success apart from the first item.  Can it be done? Also some advice on combobox parent child arrangements would be appreciated.

Thanks Terry

2 (edited by derek 2017-07-28 15:55:34)

Re: Multiple comboboxes using the same table

Hi Terry,
If I'm understanding your question, I'm guessing that when you display your tablegrid, you get the first related field displaying properly but all subsequent related fields just display their record id.  When you relate 2 tables more than once, you need to use calculated fields to temporarily hold the extra related details and place those calculated fields onto your tablegrid.
Have a look at the attached example and see if this is the sort of thing that you are trying to do.

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Attachment icon 337.97 kb, 444 downloads since 2017-07-28 

Re: Multiple comboboxes using the same table

Hi Derek,
Thank you very much. That was the work around I was looking for. I never gave calculated fields a thought. I appreciate the example.