1 (edited by andreas.malmqvist76 2014-09-11 05:05:18)

Topic: What's wrong with my combobox ?

Hi, look at attached picture..
It looks nothing like the video tutorial, why does it say foreign.key ?
And i can't choose my table from the dropdowns..

Any ideas ?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screen Shot 2014-09-11 at 06.56.14.png 70.04 kb, 369 downloads since 2014-09-11 

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?


Please, download simple project with ComboBox here:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Phone Book.zip 25.13 kb, 589 downloads since 2014-09-11 


Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

Downloaded it, but why does the field say foreignkey instead of Tablename ?

And i've tried making a database (table and field) but it can't be found in the dropdown (configuration dropdown) of the combobox..

Cheers !!

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

In the new version, TableName replaced to ForeignKey.

Please, attach you project at message without exe and dll files, for less size.
I'll try to help you.


Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

All i wan't is this..
Table with one field (text)

First form with combobox and an add button. Add button action is new record,
Second form with textfield and ok button. The Ok button saves the new record in the table and only field.
When second form closed after ok button pressed the text enterd in form 2 should be available in the combobox in form1.

Cheers !!

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

You forgot attach project.


Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

I have no projectfile, do you have a simple one as the one above ?


Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

I don't have this example, please see video lessons


9 (edited by andreas.malmqvist76 2014-09-11 14:08:25)

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

I have watched both videos and they give me NO reason why my project doesn't work...

The documentation on this superb software is kind of limited..

Cheers !

EDIT: included the project and as you can see you can't choose anything in the combobox dropdowns (settings)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Combobox.zip 1.9 kb, 590 downloads since 2014-09-11 

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

In this case you can't use ComboBox, cause you have no any relationships beetwen database tables.
But you can use component TableGrid, i attached project for you.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Combobox2.zip 2.51 kb, 613 downloads since 2014-09-11 


Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

Thank you !!

But what is the combobox good for if you can't fetch data from table and show it there ??

Cheers !!

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?



Do you mean your problem stands in that Combobox doesn't show differents values (555, cvbc) in the dropdown list from where could select a value ?

Jean B.

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?

Yes smile

jean.brezhonek wrote:



Do you mean your problem stands in that Combobox doesn't show differents values (555, cvbc) in the dropdown list from where could select a value ?

Jean B.

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?


Well, as said Dimitri (DriveSoft), using efficiently Comboboxes needs at least two tables in  order to create relationships between those two  tables (or more if need be).

As example, I've set up an application about birds with three tables : 1) Birds, 2) Order and 3) Family.
Those 3 tables have relationships and there , the comboboxes have a sense and utility.

With 2 dropdown comboboxes, (Order and Family), I can populate the main tables (Birds) with the contents of two others (table Order and table Family). When dropdown comboboxes are opened, I can see the différents values for each tables and I can pick every one from the comboboxes.

As Comboboxes have two fields (ForeignKey and Fieldname -  (ForeignKey is in fact the name of the table you want reach) - you can easily populate  these ones with values of each of second tables.

Was I clear in my explications ?

Jean B.

Re: What's wrong with my combobox ?


Thanks a lot !!

Now it worked like a charm !!

Thanks to both of you !!

Cheers !