Topic: Combobox to label


I have a window to access the application. The users are related in a combobox and the password is inserted in a textbox, the question is as follows. How can I take the user selected in the "cb" to a label in another form?

Thank you...

2 (edited by derek 2018-01-03 20:39:25)

Re: Combobox to label

Hi Wenchester,
If I've understood your question correctly, have a look at the attachment which shows a couple of ways of doing this (I've documented the script so you can see what's going on).
If anything's not clear, just drop a line.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 336.34 kb, 410 downloads since 2018-01-03 

Re: Combobox to label

Hello, Derek

Very good your solution, it is just what I needed, the 3 cases are very useful

Thank you very much...

Greetings, Wen