Topic: How To Set Format Value in tablegrid

How to edit script set format in tablegrid

123456.789 to


2016-09-14 14:39 to

by year + 4

14:39 to

02:39 AM
My Visual Database : I Love You
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Re: How To Set Format Value in tablegrid

prahousefamily wrote:

How to edit script set format in tablegrid

123456.789 to


You should use type CURRENCY for field, where you can activate thousand separator:

prahousefamily wrote:

2016-09-14 14:39 to

by year + 4

You should use calculate field, an example:

strftime('%d.%m.%Y', datefield, '+4 years')

prahousefamily wrote:

14:39 to

02:39 AM

My Visual Database uses user's regional format, but if you need, you can change format in the tablegrid using script, an example:

procedure Form1_GridEmployees_OnChange (Sender: string);
   i,c: integer;
   sTime: string;

     c := Form1.GridEmployees.RowCount - 1;
     for i := 0 to c do
         sTime := Form1.GridEmployees.Cells[4,i];

         if sTime<>'' then
             Form1.GridEmployees.Cells[4,i] := FormatDateTime( 'hh:mm ampm', StrToTime(sTime) );

Post's attachments

Attachment icon separator.png 19.95 kb, 267 downloads since 2016-09-15 


Re: How To Set Format Value in tablegrid

I'm with MVD version 4.6. My table has a "Currency" field with 2 decimal places and a thousand separations. I recorded in this field the value of 243.35, but in the tablegrid it appears only 243.00.

In the sqlite table and in the textbox the value is 243.35, but not in the tablegrid.

Can anyone help? Is this a bug?

Roberto Alencar

4 (edited by derek 2018-10-17 20:32:16)

Re: How To Set Format Value in tablegrid

Hello JRGA,
It sounds as if, in the edit field on the form where you are entering your value, you have ticked the 'currency' object property.  If so, then make sure that you also set the 'accuracy' object property to '2'.  If you set the one without setting the other, the value will only show whole numbers.
Alternatively, leave both of these two object properties as their defaults ('unticked' and 0') and allow the program to use the original definitions that you specified when defining your table.
Hope this is clear and helps,

Re: How To Set Format Value in tablegrid

jrga wrote:

I'm with MVD version 4.6. My table has a "Currency" field with 2 decimal places and a thousand separations. I recorded in this field the value of 243.35, but in the tablegrid it appears only 243.00.

In the sqlite table and in the textbox the value is 243.35, but not in the tablegrid.

Can anyone help? Is this a bug?

Please attach your project, I'll test it.
