Topic: Format a Calculated Field

Hi All,
I'm trying to SORT a tblGrid using a Calculated Field.  But it's not working.  Here's what I have:
calcNextSvcDate =
strftime('%m/%d/%Y',date(julianday((select max(SvcDate) from tbl_Service   
where tbl_Service.id_tbl_Equip = + (select SvcInterval
from tbl_Svc_Interval where tbl_Equip.id_tbl_Svc_Interval =

calcYMDnextSvcDate =
strftime('%Y/%m/%d',date(julianday((select max(SvcDate) from tbl_Service
where tbl_Service.id_tbl_Equip = + (select SvcInterval
from tbl_Svc_Interval where tbl_Equip.id_tbl_Svc_Interval = 

When I use calcNextSvcDate the tblGrid does not sort by this column.
When I use calcYMDnextSvcDate it is working OK.
So that's good news for the SORTING issue.  However my problem is that the dates in the cells for option 2 are showing as Y m d and since I'm in the US, I would like it to show m d Y
First, is there any way to format the data in the cells in OPTION 2 ?
Second, is maybe my approach to the SORTING issue maybe not the correct way to do it ?

Re: Format a Calculated Field

Hi Frank,

Modify the second calculated field :

date(julianday((select max(SvcDate) from tbl_Service
where tbl_Service.id_tbl_Equip = + (select SvcInterval
from tbl_Svc_Interval where tbl_Equip.id_tbl_Svc_Interval =

Place both fields in the table.
Do sorting by 2 fields but make it invisible in the script.
Display 1 field.
Or ...
Could you attach a project to understand the details of the problem and other solutions?

Re: Format a Calculated Field

Use calculated fields with care - piling them up can be detrimental to performance. To select data with complex processing, it is better to use one SQL query, written and optimized manually.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

4 (edited by sparrow 2022-08-16 12:26:03)

Re: Format a Calculated Field

Suggested solution based on limited information received.
That's why I suggested showing the project.
Of course, it is better to store a ready date for the next service than to calculate each time.
Date and time is a very delicate thing in both calculation and display and sorting.
But each project has its own owner. )))

Re: Format a Calculated Field

Sparrow, k245
Thank you for the suggestions.  You've given me some things to think about.
I like Sparrows idea of storing the NEXT SVC DATE in a field instead of using a Calculated field.  Calculated fields are nice but there seems to be some restrictions when I want to use the info in that field to do something because it's not really saved data.
I'll have to change some stuff to see if I can make it work but it could be worth it.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Re: Format a Calculated Field

Do you know how I can save the results of OPTION 2 into a Text field.  I need that result to calculate when the next Service Due Date is? 
The calculation works but I only seem to be able to save the result in a calculated field.  I'm thinking if I had the result in a Text field then I could use it going forward.
Maybe this is not the best solution?

Re: Format a Calculated Field

Bonjour a tous
J'ai besoin de votre aide
j'ai une base que gère les devis avec un compteur et sont propre numéro de document.
je voulais a partir du devis établir une facture avec sont propre numéro de document.

On peux le faire avec MVDB

Merci de votre aide


Re: Format a Calculated Field

Hi all,

You are a little confused.
A calculated field is not a table field. This is part of the SQL query, the so-called subquery. It's impossible to save it.
Here is an example of how this can be done in the program, if I understand you correctly. Option 2 in the example is recommended.

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9 (edited by papafrankc 2022-08-20 02:31:11)

Re: Format a Calculated Field

I've been going over your example program ( and it looks really good.
I've been wanting to save the results of a calculation into a field before and your solution shows me how to do it.
I believe using this approach will simplify things for me considerably.
While trying to implement it into my program I'm realizing I believe I have some design flaws in my program.
So it's going to take some work to make the necessary changes.
*** When I first posted this Reply I referred to add2 as a function or procedure.  Sorry I didn't realize that add2 is the name of the form.  I had a senior moment.
I will let you know if I have any problems.
(I have a tendency to get myself out into the weeds from time to time so I'm sure I'll be back)
Thanks so much for another valuable lesson.