Topic: Police de caractère

Good evening, I would like to include a font in the program so that it is an integral part of it, how to recognize it by default in the database.

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Attachment icon Font.jpg 9.97 kb, 76 downloads since 2022-09-22 


Re: Police de caractère

Salut Destiny

Si tu ne veux pas passer par une boîte de dialogue affichant les polices disponibles à partir desquelles
ton utilisateur pourra sélectionner la police de son choix, le plus est de bricoler le fichier Forms.XML de ton application comme suit :

Ouvrir le fichier forms.xml dans n’importe quel éditeur de texte et remplacer

FontName = "Tahoma" FontSize = "8"


FontName = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "9"

Au cas où, sauvegarder une copie du fichier forms.xml

Espérant que cela t'aidera

If you don't want to go through a dialog showing the available fonts from which
your user will be able to select the font of his choice, the most is to tinker with the Forms.XML file of your application as follows:

Open the forms.xml file in any text editor and replace

FontName="Tahoma" FontSize="8"


FontName="Segoe UI" FontSize="9"

Just in case, save a copy of the forms.xml file

Hope this will help you


3 (edited by Destiny 2022-09-23 08:11:54)

Re: Police de caractère

Yes indeed this solution works but provided that the police are part of the system.
The one I want to include is a separate font I put in my program and I would like it to be read by MVD but how can I get it recognized since it is not part of Windows.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Font2.jpg 11.42 kb, 56 downloads since 2022-09-23 


Re: Police de caractère

To use any font on Windows, it must be copied to the c:\Windows\Fonts\ folder anyway

You can do this by including the font in the program's installer files. Or make it a script when the application starts. That is, first check if there is such a file in the destination folder. If not, then copy it and restart the application so that when creating application forms, the desired font file is already in the c:\Windows\Fonts\ folder

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Re: Police de caractère

Destiny wrote:

Good evening, I would like to include a font in the program so that it is an integral part of it, how to recognize it by default in the database.

Sorry, I didn't read the question carefully. You cannot change the default font in the application development system.

Unless you edit the MyVisualBD.exe file - replace the font name "Segoe UI" with a different one, but of the same length. This is a joke, I do not advise you to do this.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Police de caractère

Ok, thank you for your answers, I will copy the "Font" file in the system but if I distribute my program to a third party it will not have this font. Thanks
