Topic: My first project

welcome everybody
I'm new here and I'd like to inquire about something

Through this application, is it possible to create a sales and inventory program?
If the answer is yes, is there a copy or simple example of this?

Re: My first project

Hello Andy 2020

Welcome to MVD
Give us more details on the goal of your project:
- Do you want to make a sales/purchasing program like a commercial program?
- Do you want to add an inventory management part (inputs/outputs) as sales progress (alarm thresholds, supplier management, etc.)?
- Do you also want to have invoice management (issues, storage)?
- Do you want to plan a reminder section for customers (via email)?
You see, there are plenty of possibilities to develop what you want to do.
In most cases, MVD is able to achieve what you want to do.
But you need to give us more details.
Give us a detailed overview of each of the functions you want implemented.
There we can help you better

3 (edited by andy2020 2024-05-02 06:36:32)

Re: My first project

jean.brezhonek wrote:

Hello Andy 2020

Welcome to MVD
Give us more details on the goal of your project:
- Do you want to make a sales/purchasing program like a commercial program?
- Do you want to add an inventory management part (inputs/outputs) as sales progress (alarm thresholds, supplier management, etc.)?
- Do you also want to have invoice management (issues, storage)?
- Do you want to plan a reminder section for customers (via email)?
You see, there are plenty of possibilities to develop what you want to do.
In most cases, MVD is able to achieve what you want to do.
But you need to give us more details.
Give us a detailed overview of each of the functions you want implemented.
There we can help you better

Thank you for your reply

Yes, I want to create  a sales/purchasing program like a commercial program
Add all the items I mentioned

If I can get a simple example, I'll work on it

Re: My first project

Hello andy2020

Obviously, you will end up creating a fairly complex program.
So, you should not jump straight into MVD.
On a sheet of paper (I know, I'm an old-school programmer), you plan each element of what you envision:
- Purchasing part (net cost, VAT, total cost, etc.)
- Management of your stocks (entries, exits, alert threshold, etc.)
- Sales part (cost details, excluding tax, net sale price, VAT to apply (several possible rates)...)
- Invoicing to follow (therefore creation of a customer file, reminder emails, direct link with Paypal or any other invoicing system)
- Monitor your current sales...and I'm probably forgetting some.
So first thing to do (on paper):
- Create your tables (Customers, suppliers, products... which fields? with Calculated fields? with Password? With Roles? ...)
- Choose your fields carefully (simple, associated with others, obligatory? ...)
It's going to be a complex project, by anticipating it on paper, you'll see what you need and what you can eliminate.
Nothing is more annoying than having to constantly restructure your tables directly on the computer, when everything is anticipated, there are many fewer unpleasant surprises later; an unforeseen modification in a table can force everything to be recalculated with the risk of crashing.
As you can see, you still have a lot of work to do and if you also don't master MVD (and SQL because you can't escape it to automate functions), good luck!
Tell me what type of product you want to work on for your sales, I will try to start working on this project starting from what you want.

Re: My first project

jean.brezhonek wrote:

Hello andy2020

Obviously, you will end up creating a fairly complex program.
So, you should not jump straight into MVD.
On a sheet of paper (I know, I'm an old-school programmer), you plan each element of what you envision:
- Purchasing part (net cost, VAT, total cost, etc.)
- Management of your stocks (entries, exits, alert threshold, etc.)
- Sales part (cost details, excluding tax, net sale price, VAT to apply (several possible rates)...)
- Invoicing to follow (therefore creation of a customer file, reminder emails, direct link with Paypal or any other invoicing system)
- Monitor your current sales...and I'm probably forgetting some.
So first thing to do (on paper):
- Create your tables (Customers, suppliers, products... which fields? with Calculated fields? with Password? With Roles? ...)
- Choose your fields carefully (simple, associated with others, obligatory? ...)
It's going to be a complex project, by anticipating it on paper, you'll see what you need and what you can eliminate.
Nothing is more annoying than having to constantly restructure your tables directly on the computer, when everything is anticipated, there are many fewer unpleasant surprises later; an unforeseen modification in a table can force everything to be recalculated with the risk of crashing.
As you can see, you still have a lot of work to do and if you also don't master MVD (and SQL because you can't escape it to automate functions), good luck!
Tell me what type of product you want to work on for your sales, I will try to start working on this project starting from what you want.

First, I want to create a sales interface, print invoices with arrows, and add sales reports

Re: My first project

Hi Andy2020, Salut Jean - ça va ?
I can only reiterate what Jean is saying - this appears to be a fairly complex project and not one that you would typically choose when starting out with MVD (or any other product that you might use).
Personally, I would suggest breaking down your total requirement into discrete processes and then just select one of them as a way of familiarising yourself with MVD.  Even if you end up scrapping it, it will be a good learning curve.
Attached is an old program that I've altered to fit some of the things you've mentioned (receiving products into stock from suppliers and then issuing them to customers) that might give you some ideas of the sort of things you can do even with 'basic' MVD.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon inventory 455.3 kb, 124 downloads since 2024-05-02 

Re: My first project

Hello andy, Hello Derek how are you ?

You wil find in attachment a project I wrote for my son for his job.
Since then it has evolved into a more commercial project.
But it could be one of the modules of the project that you intend to develop.
You already have an idea of the work that a single module can represent (and even this one is minimal).
For a commercial project, it’s huge!
As my friend Derek recommends, first work in isolation on each of the modules you plan to put in place. Once each is well developed independently, you can then group them together behind a single interface.
Good luck !

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 695.46 kb, 141 downloads since 2024-05-03