Topic: use XAMPP to connect MVDB (server)

Experts, please  can use XAMPP to connect MVDB (server)?

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2 (edited by brian.zaballa 2024-09-10 05:45:48)

Re: use XAMPP to connect MVDB (server)

Yes, you can connect on MySQL, just make sure you have 5.6 or 5.7 version of mysql

above that esp on ver 8.*.* which i think the MySQL version on your XAMPP, you need to switch to native-password,

you have to enable it on your my.ini with "--mysql-native-password=ON"


Re: use XAMPP to connect MVDB (server)

Thank you brian zaballa

Re: use XAMPP to connect MVDB (server)

Use MySQL 5.5 Community Edition.... After Install Configure Root password and enable binary path and remove Firewall exception for remote users...