Topic: QR code image scanner

QR code image scanner code Example please...........................

Re: QR code image scanner

perhaps you might want to have a hardware (qr scanner), then just handle the output.

in most cases, it'll work just like a keyboard that will type the qr-value then followed by Enter.

you can make use of TdbEdit or whatever component you like then just handle the OnKeyPress or KeyUp event.


3 (edited by epancard723143 2024-09-11 07:01:29)

Re: QR code image scanner

Show the value after uploading the QR code image exaple code please......................

Re: QR code image scanner

This one is a very difficult to implement if not impossible here in MVD.
this particular problem usually needs a third-party library or component which is for me, MVD's weakness.


5 (edited by k245 2024-09-16 12:51:18)

Re: QR code image scanner

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Handheld barcode scanner for supermarkets QR PDF417 Bluetooth 2.4G, 1690 2dwired scanner Price 1146 ₽

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Attachment icon изображение_2024-09-16_154531252.png 132.49 kb, 38 downloads since 2024-09-16 

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