Topic: Language Translate

how to edit text box value in language transalate any sample code plese..............

Re: Language Translate

epancard723143 wrote:

how to edit text box value in language transalate any sample code plese.............. … hp?id=5402

3 (edited by epancard723143 2024-09-17 03:14:13)

Re: Language Translate

i want this type ............
in mvd

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Language.JPG 13.02 kb, 24 downloads since 2024-09-17 

Re: Language Translate

Hello epancard
You won't be able to recreate GooglTranslate in MVD but you can call it from MVD.
you create a link to this address: (here replace fr with the code of your native language) via the instruction (openUrl('.....;')