1 (edited by abdou88 2024-11-29 16:23:45)

Topic: Help for grouping based on a field in report

How can I group a field in terms of another field within the report for data within Master Data, as shown in my project?

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Your question is not clear. What exactly do you need to do? Perhaps you mean the sum by column(s). Or still a grouping. But then which one exactly?

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

I want a way to calculate the last column using a script inside Fast Report

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Something like that

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5 (edited by abdou88 2024-11-27 20:35:53)

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

See my project...the problem is inside the Fast Report

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Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Write your query with grouping and output the already grouped data in FastReport.

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Can you take a look at my report...I explained my problem inside it

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Something like that

Post's attachments

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Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Very nice, but when applying it in my own project, an error appeared

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Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Probably because in addition to copying/pasting, you need to look at the code in the script carefully and read the documentation on FastReport.

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Yes, I changed the fields for my project...can you take a look?

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

I've already looked. That's not the reason. Pay attention to the line in the script "if NOT Engine.FinalPass then" and look in the documentation.

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Error message. Is there a solution?

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Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

My example uses FastReport's two-pass mode. All you have to do is activate it.

Re: Help for grouping based on a field in report

Thank you very much, the problem was solved. I am grateful to you, man