
(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi Again Dmitry,

I often need to sort a tablegrid  in different sort sequences to work on it.
To do this, I click on the column header and the tablegrid is re-sorted as I want it.
But when I have viewed, amended or deleted a specific row and saved the record, the tablegrid does not remember the sort sequence I was working with.  So I have to click on the column header again and find the position in the tablegrid where I was working before I can continue (see attachment).
Is this the way it is supposed to work?



(8 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
I wasn't sure if it could be done by writing to the registry or perhaps with a .ini - but I would have struggled either way to write it.
I've just tried it and it works exactly how I wanted it to.
Thanks as always for the quick response.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry and MVD Team,

I use a pop-up form to display some menu options. 
This pop-up form shows in the centre of the screen (see dmitry1.jpg).
I manually re-position this (see dmitry2.jpg).
This is okay until I close the application but when I start the application again, the pop-up form is in the centre again.
Is there a way for MVD to remember the last position of the pop-up form?
My application is attached and I am using Version 1.51.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
Working correctly now.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry,
I am starting a small project to collect names of teachers and what country / region they are based in.
I have a form (form4) with 2 comboboxes, one of which is a parent combobox.
90% of teachers are based in England so I set the default index for combobox1 = 1 ('England') and the User can go directly to combobox2 to select a region.  But instead of displaying the regions for England in combobox2, no values are displayed (screenshot 'combobox no values').  So the user has to return to combobox1, reselect 'England' from the combobox1 values and only then are the values for combobox2 displayed (screenshot 'combobox with values').
Is this the correct way to use the default index or am I making an error?
I have attached a copy of the project and I am using Version 1.51.


(187 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry

I have used  MVD for a few weeks now and would like to make the following suggestions for features in a future release.

1.  A currency field shows in a tablegrid column as right-justified automatically.  Can the column header.alignment also be right-justified automatically?
2.  A currency field's properties can be set in the Object Inspector to display, for example, as £27,500.00 but shows as 27500 in the tablegrid (cell) and as £27500.00 in the tablegrid (footer).  Can both tablegrid (cell) and tablegrid (footer) display the field contents exactly as defined in the field's properties so that it is consistent?
3.  Could a color picker be added to the tablegrid footer options so that footer summaries can be easily highlighted (ie, 'Formula', 'Text Before', 'Text After' and then 'Color Picker')?

4.  Add an 'uppercase' property to force upper case to ensure that data is entered consistently.
5.  Add a 'hint' property with an edit box so you can write help messages that will appear when hovering over the form / tablegrid / field with the mouse.
6.  Add a vertical scroll-bar property for text fields that are displayed as memos.

7.  Add a new BUTTON action that makes an 'open url' call to a website.

8.  A "LIST" field type (like Google Docs' List of Items where you create a small list of valid entries, separated by commas).
For example, in your MVD Students project, currently you have to:
a) create 5 separate 'dictionary' tables (sex, groupname, specname, status, prohod),
b) create 5 relationships with other tables
c) create 6 forms.
With a "LIST" field type, you would only need 5 "List" fields with list items of (Male,Female), (1st Attempt,2nd Attempt), (01,02), (Doctor,Lawyer) and (Normal,Fired,Graduate) - much more simple.
Perhaps there are programming reasons why you can't have an option like this but it would make creating a project much quicker and easier  to set up.

I understand that most of these things can be done by writing scripts (as I have done myself) but for ease of use, speed of development and for those Users who are not comfortable with scripts, perhaps some of these things could be included as part of the basic MVD program in the future.

Thanks for all your help so far.


(4 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hello Dmitry,
I've just dowloaded the latest 1.51.  Footer settings are working well now with SQL QUERY searches. 
Thanks, as always,


(4 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Good Evening Dmitry and MVD Team,
If I use footer settings in a tablegrid (for example, 'SUM' with a prefix of '£'), these are displayed correctly.
If I use a SEARCH and specify the tablegrid for the output, the footer settings are still displayed correctly.
But if I write an SQL Query and specify the same tablegrid for the output, the footer settings are not shown.
Is there perhaps something else I need to use?
I know that I can correct this using a script but it is not so quick or so easy.
I am using 1.50 but I also noticed the problem in versions 1.45 and 1.49.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Good Evening Dmitry,
Just downloaded 1.51 and tried the new s% filter and it works very well - much easier and quicker to set up "begins with" searches now.
Thanks as always.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Good Evening Dmitry,
Currently, the filter type %s% finds a character string ANYWHERE within a field.  Would it be possible to add a new filter type of s% so that the first (leading) character(s) of a field can be retrieved?  I know this can be done by using the SQL Query option but Search with a filter type of s% would be much easier and quicker.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hi There Supabeast,

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago.

My understanding is that you want to enter the FIRST letter (or the FIRST COUPLE of letters) of a name and then search. 
Setting the filter on the combobox to %s% will retrieve rows where the particular letter (or couple of letters) appears ANYWHERE in the name and not just at the start.  Unfortunately, setting the filter to s% (rather than %s%) doesn't seem to be an option.

If this is, indeed, the case, the easiest way of achieving what you want is simply to enter the first letter (or first couple of letters) of the name and then manually add %.

If you don't want to have to manually add the %, then i believe you'll need to change the action of the button from 'Search' to 'SQL Query' and in your WHERE clause use    where fieldname like '{edit1}%';

You might also want to perform an 'incremental search' so that the names filter as soon as you start typing.  Some people like the effect, some don't.  If you do, add the button to the 'incremental search' in the properties of the search field.

Hope this helps a bit and good luck.



(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry.
I didn't realise you could actually reference a tablegrid like that as part of your sql query search.


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry,

In a project i have just started, Form1 has 1 main Tablegrid, 2 sub-Tablegrids and 2 incremental sql-searches.
In  the following example, when I start, Form1 looks like this (screenshot1).
I use an incremental sql-search on Tablegrid1 which retrieves 3 rows into Tablegrid3 (screenshot2).
I then use the second incremental sql-search on Tablegrid3 which reduces the rows from 3 rows to 2 rows (screenshot3).
If I want to try a different search on Tablegrid3, I delete my criteria but instead of looking like (screenshot2) which is what I expected, it now looks like (screenshot4), showing ALL rows.
To make it look like (screenshot2) again, I need to go back and re-highlight or re-enter the selection in Tablegrid1.
I think there is something that I've not set up correctly but I cannot find it.  Can you help?
I have enclosed a copy of the project and I am using Version 1.50.



(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello Jean,
Thanks for your suggestion.  It doesn't matter to me if it's unorthodox providing it works!!
I was just hoping for a really easy way of having the splash screen wait until the user actually 'started working'.
But it's 99% how i wanted now so it's okay (nothing is ever 100% - ha ha!).


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
Thanks, i've changed it as you advised.
But it still surprises me that it works okay within the MVD environment but not when run as a standalone exe.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Good Morning Dmitry, all at MVD,

I have a Welcome / Splashscreen that I show when my project starts. 
The splashscreen stays visible until the user either uses the keyboard or moves the mouse at which point the splashscreen disappears.
When I run this WITHIN the MVD environment, it works as intended (see dmitry splashscreen.jpg) in the attached .zip file.
But when I run it as a standalone executable (requisitions.exe), the splashscreen immediately disappears.
Do you know how I can correct this?


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Dmitry.  Works perfectly now.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Good Morning Dmitry, MVD Team,

I have a project where users can click on a button and visit a website to find purchasing codes.
To prevent mis-typing, I want them to copy the code from the website and then paste it into my project.
The 'copy' and  'paste' function works with WordPad, Excel etc but does not work with MVD.  Is there a reason for this?

I have enclosed a zip file for my project with 3 screen shots to show you the problem (the password is 'MVD').
The field I am trying to paste into is form2.edit2 which is defined as a text field.
I am using Version 1.50.



(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
I've changed the grid height and replaced oncellclick with onmouseup.  I've also added onkeyup and onkeydown events on the 3 tablegrids (so it can be used with combinations of keyboard and mouse) and everything appears to be scrolling and updating/refreshing correctly now.
Thanks for your help,


(2 replies, posted in General)

Good Evening Dmitry,
This may be a small bug or the way my script works.
1.  For each row in my tablegrid, I make an sqlexecute call to retrieve some text to display in a memo field.
2.  When I click on the next row down, the text in the memo field changes.
3.  This works until you reach the last VISIBLE row on the grid (the row BEFORE the grid starts scrolling down).
4.  From this row onwards, the text in the memo field no longer changes.
5.  To work around this, you need to click 'scroll-down' to move the whole grid down 1 row and then click on the row again.
6.  I have changed the design of the form, giving the tablegrid less and more rows and the problem always repeats wherever the last VISIBLE row occurs.
It seems as if MVD cannot determine the tablegrid.dbItemId after the last VISIBLE row in the tablegrid. 
I have attached my project so you can see the problem.  I am currently using Version 1.50.


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Dmitry,
It works perfectly now.
Thanks as always for your help.


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hello Dmitry, MVD Team,

When you click 'new record' on a tablegrid, create a new record and click 'save', is it possible to automatically highlight the new row that has just been created when you return to the tablegrid?  At the moment, the highlight always stays on whatever row had been selected before the new record was created.

I have been trying to write something like form1.tablegrid1.selectedrow := last_insert_id('tablename')  but maybe this isn't the correct way to do it.

Thanks,  Derek.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry, Mathmathou,
Although i am still on Version 1.45, i have nevertheless managed to get all the totals on my 3 grids working correctly now (i hope!!).
Thank you both for your advice and interest.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hello Mathmathou,
Thanks for taking the time to look through the script - messy, isn't it!!
As soon as i upgrade to 1.50, this problem (and probably some others too) will resolve themselves.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
Yes, it sums the totvalords.column.footer correctly in Version 1.50.
I was going to try that but what was puzzling me was why it was able to sum totnumords.column.footer but not totvalords.column.footer - both fields are defined as calculations so i was expecting it to work for both columns or not at all.
Thanks for the quick response.