Topic: problem with cut and paste

Good Morning Dmitry, MVD Team,

I have a project where users can click on a button and visit a website to find purchasing codes.
To prevent mis-typing, I want them to copy the code from the website and then paste it into my project.
The 'copy' and  'paste' function works with WordPad, Excel etc but does not work with MVD.  Is there a reason for this?

I have enclosed a zip file for my project with 3 screen shots to show you the problem (the password is 'MVD').
The field I am trying to paste into is form2.edit2 which is defined as a text field.
I am using Version 1.50.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon requisitions 1.13 mb, 479 downloads since 2015-04-01 

Re: problem with cut and paste


Please, download again version 1.50 … ading.html

Bug is fixed.


Re: problem with cut and paste

Thanks Dmitry.  Works perfectly now.