My Visual Multibase

Навязчивая идея создания совершенного инструмента для разработчик приложений не дает мне покоя, и самый лучший способ утихомирить её – поделиться своими соображениями с другими. И понаблюдать, что будет дальше. Если идея хорошая, то её поддержат, если так себе – отвалится сама собой.


“Russian” questions

Very often we ask ourselves two questions: who is to blame and what to do. In Russia, these are perhaps the most popular questions, to which everyone tries to give their own original answer. I decided to keep this tradition in the light of considering the issues of application development.


Competitor Or Partner?

After successfully purchasing the documentation software, Dr.Explain I started creating help files for all my projects, including ClassExplorer – “Developer’s guide”. And then I suddenly thought: did not my new tool replace the program being created for me? Will my new assistant turn into a project killer?



If the application contains commercial or private information, it is wise to restrict access to the data by adding an authentication form.


Modular Licensing

In my book “Visual programming” I described a simple licensing system based on hardware coding algorithms attributes of the computer on which the software is being installed. The algorithm is simple and reliable, but, as practice has shown, modern marketing trends require a more flexible approach to software licensing: in addition to a lifetime license, two more categories of licenses are required:

- Licenses for a specific version of the program
- Licenses for individual modules of the program

To do this, I developed a set of scripts for My Visual Database, with the help of which licensing is implemented, including versioned and modular. Thanks to a well-thought-out algorithm, scripts can be included in any of your projects: when the subsystem is initialized, it automatically creates all the necessary user interface elements, including the registration form.



Once the program grows out of short pants, it will definitely need help. More precisely, the user of your program will need help: even if he is a professional in his field, he needs to get used to the interface. And in some cases, it doesn’t hurt to talk about the processes that you have automated.



Accounting and control in production implies reporting: a selection of data with the ability to display it on the screen and / or print. The easiest way to obtain reports is to fill in the tabular presentation with the necessary information and then upload it to MS Excel for formatting and printing.


Universal Navigator

The minimalistic main menu-based form selection interface of a table view has one significant drawback: every time you need to select a form, you have to travel through the menu items. To make it easier to switch between windows that are already open, let’s add a navigator to the application.


Stylish And Modest

The article “Chameleon” discussed in detail the mechanism for managing the styles of applications created on the My Visual Database platform, and it is proposed to use the main menu item as a style selection element.



(1 replies, posted in General)

Формы, которые вы создаете в визуальном редакторе MVDB существуют в единственном экземпляре и автоматически создаются при запуске приложения. Но вы можете создавать форму с помощью скрипта, тогда, запустив скрипт дважды, вы можете создать две одинаковые формы.

Forms that you create in the MVDB visual editor exist in a single instance and are automatically created when the application starts. But you can create a form with a script, then by running the script twice you can create two identical forms.

Production Master

Continuation of article “Simple Movements And Shapes”

It’s time for a serious talk about the algorithms and calculations that make accounting in production different from accounting in a store or warehouse. But, before we start studying the theory and practice of accounting, it is necessary to finish the general topics of the application.


Simple Movements And Shapes

Continuation of the article “Production: accounting and control”

The basis of the program is accounting for the movement of commodity units along a certain chain of counterparties. Before proceeding to the implementation of forms, it is necessary to clarify business processes and flow patterns, which may differ depending on the chosen accounting policy at the enterprise.

Read: … hapes.html

Production: Аccounting And Сontrol

While looking at KWORK applications for software development, I found an interesting request, apparently from a self-employed or an entrepreneur who has his own small production: we need a simple program for analyzing the profitability of the production process, in fact – accounting for the materials used and comparing with the profit received from the sale of finished products . Of course, for a complete analysis, it is also necessary to take into account the costs of electricity, rent of premises, depreciation of equipment, taxes, etc., but in some cases it is enough to control only materials and finished products.

Read: … ntrol.html

Code Alignment

At first it may seem that the formatting of the source text was invented by bores, but in fact, text aligned according to certain rules is easier to perceive, which means less time is spent studying it. And time, as you know, is the most valuable resource.


Markup Highlighting

At the request of my readers, which fortunately coincided with my intentions, I decided to remove the example.detail field, which stored text in RTF format. Instead, add a text field example.snippet, which will store the code snippet with comments. But since I already managed to put examples into the database, I had to make a button and a small script to transfer the text.


Border Outpost

A single click is sometimes enough to launch an application. But sometimes the startup time is longer than the expected one or two seconds, and then the user may have the feeling that the program has frozen and something has gone wrong. This can be avoided by reducing the time until the first window appears, which is called the splash screen.


Heated keys

What manufacturers do not come up with to attract the attention of buyers, especially in the segment of games and entertainment. Keyboards and mice have evolved from an input device into a work of art or a showpiece of high technology, striking in their appearance or technical capabilities. But we will talk about a programming technique that will significantly improve the convenience of working with any program.


Cut Off All Excess

Like the sculptor Rodin, programmers regularly take a block of program code and cut off everything superfluous from it. At the same time, they have to think a lot, since each “cutting” makes the code more elegant, but increases the complexity of the entire composition.


Test Tube Forms

Visual design tool allows you to create any form with the mouse, dragging the desired elements on the screen. It takes a few more minutes to edit the necessary parameters in the property editor. And if you need a lot of such forms and they are almost the same? Then, using CopyPaste technology, you can create a dozen forms and have nothing to worry about. Until you need to make any changes to the appearance or mechanics of these forms. And at this moment, developers begin to think about alternative solutions.


Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect — A small impact on the system can have large and unpredictable consequences, including in a completely different place.

Having completed work on the first version of the “ClassExplorer” program, I decided to improve it a little: to separate the program code into separate modules, and also to add the style management mechanism that was described in the “Chameleon” article. But these seemingly small changes led to the emergence of an improved technology for loading images for buttons and created a lot of hassle in setting up links between modules.


Genius Is In The Details

Continuation of the article “Three main buttons”

In addition to the main mechanisms described earlier, the program has a number of small procedures and functions that carry out very important tasks.

Read: … tails.html

“Русские” вопросы

Очень часто мы задаем себе два вопроса: кто виноват и что делать. В России это, пожалуй, самые популярные вопросы, на которые каждый пытается дать свой оригинальный ответ. Я решил поддержать данную традицию в свете рассмотрения проблематики разработки приложений.



(21 replies, posted in General)

I installed the Polilang plugin, it’s convenient to translate articles, but there are a few inscriptions on the site itself that I still don’t know how to localize. I hope this does not interfere with readers, and I will try my best to translate all my articles.

Darek, видимо, вы единственный ценитель винила, которому нужны данные с указанного вами сайта... Обычно посетители форума охотно делятся своим опытом.

а тут смотрели: ?

Может, вам нужно вопрос переформулировать. Тем более, что данная ветка форума англоязычная.


(36 replies, posted in Russian)

pavlenko.vladimir.v wrote:

я об этом думал уже, но в первый раз я отказался от  этого, еще бы вспомнить почему отказался  ))))

Есть два минуса:
- будет расти размер файла SumatraPDFSettings.txt - даже если удалить книгу, информация о её открытии останется
- файл SumatraPDFSettings.txt должен быть доступен для чтения. То есть проект не может размещаться в папке Program Files