g0dmenuelz wrote:Interested, but how do this courses work? Is it like a livestream etc.

Methodical instructions
The objectives and topics of the course: obtaining general information about the goals and methods of automating business processes; the basics of storing information in databases; basic design and creation of desktop applications; creating an application without writing code.
During the course you will study the following topics:
The course is divided into 10 chapters. At the end of each chapter are practical tasks. The recommended time for independent study of each chapter and the execution of tasks is one hour. Completed tasks must be sent to e-mail in the form of an archive. It is not necessary to include the executable file of the project (with the exe extension) into the archive. The answer from the teacher comes within one working day. It includes an analysis of the assignment, recommendations, answers to your questions on the topic being studied and the next chapter to be studied. The recommended course time is 30 days. This will allow you to use the trial period of the My Visual Database development environment for learning.
The practical part includes the work on two projects. One of them is typical, the second you need to come up with yourself, according to your needs and level of study.
1, Overview of MVD features.
1.1. MVD application area
1.2. What tasks can be solved using MVD?
1.3. What DBMS can MVD use?
1.4. Single-user and multi-user applications
1.5. What data can be stored in the database?
1.6. Data storage structure
1.7. Methods of data entry and display
1.8. Overview of the main components of MVD
1.9. Overview of the supporting components MVD
1.10. Components Properties
2. Basics of software design
2.1. Application Design
2.2. Input data
2.3. Output data
2.4. Data processing
2.4. Making a prototype
2.5. Terms of reference
2.6. Time. Money. Quality
3. Relational databases
3.1. What are a relational databases?
3.2. Primary key
3.3. External key
3.4. Relationships between tables
3.5. Maintaining data integrity
3.6. Row order
3.7. Normalization
3.8. First normal form
3.9. Second normal form
3.10. Third normal form
3.11. Operations on tabular data
3.12. Relational data model
3.13. Stored data
4. Creating the database structure in MVD
4.1. Rules and Agreements
4.2. DBMS selection
4.3. Creating tables
4.4. Creating fields for data storage
4.5. Making a link
4.6. Creating a calculated field
4.7. Editing the database structure
4.7. Data schema
4.8. Connection setup
5. Forms and buttons
5.1. Forms and components
5.2. Common properties of components
5.3. Main form
5.4. Modal forms. Form Hierarchy
5.5. Alternative solutions
5.6. Form properties
5.7. Buttons. Action property
5.8. Other button properties
5.9. GUI Design Basics
6. Display of tabular data
6.1. TableGrid Component
6.2. Columns setup
6.3. Totals
6.4. Sort by default
6.5. Data Filtering
6.6. Editing data in the table
6.7. Pop-up menu. Search and copy
6.8. Appearance customization
6.9. Behavior setting
6.9. Manual sorting
7. Editing form. Components for data entry.
7.1. Data source
7.2. General properties
7.3. Text and numbers input
7.4. Long text input
7.5. Date and / or time input
7.6. The calendar
7.7. Logical input
7.8. Link fields
7.9. Counter
7.10. Setting components
8. Editing form. Additional components
8.1. Static text
8.2. Panel
8.3. Group
8.4. Multi-page panel and tabs
8.5. Images
8.6. Image storage
8.7. File storage
8.8. Combining editing form and table view
8.9. Google map
8.10 Text Editor
9. Search and filtering.
9.1. Filtration mechanisms
9.2. Filtering tabular data.
9.3. Automatic filtering
9.4. Composite filter
9.5. Filtering related tables
9.6. Search data by columns
9.7. Search data in the drop-down list
10. Tree view. Export data. Summarizing.
10.1. Tree data structures and the TreeView component
10.2. Configure data source
10.3. Data editing
10.4. Data filtering
10.5. Sorting
10.6. Additional properties
10.7. Export tabular data
10.8. Summing-up
10.9. What's next?
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