(3 replies, posted in General)


I have in a form a large memo field. When it is filled with the content the cursor is on the first place and the form is shown from the top.

But I need the form shown from the button line. It is a field with log entries and the latest entry is on the bottom of the memo filed. Users are "complaining" they they need to scroll down to the bottom.

Any option/script I can use to move the cursor automaticly to the bottom?

Thank you.

Thank you.


somewhere at the forum was written how to open/use more as one SQLite Database at the same time and how to open SQLite and MySQL at the same time.

Can somebody help me to find this post/topic? I have searched for it and can not find it.

Thank you.


(0 replies, posted in General)

Hi to all,

MySQL 5.7 has table encyption available. Information below:
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en … ption.html

Does anybody know if it is also available in the community edition? Oracle told me "only in enterprise" but I do not trust them.

Anybody with experience how reliable it works? I want to prevent that somebody read out the tables on file level without server access. Its my way of hacker prevention. smile

Thank you for sharing experience.


(2 replies, posted in General)


just for fun to calculate the speed of SQLite I have created a small fun application.

It does nothing else as to insert many records in a table.

I have found a interesting issue. After approx. 70 records the application is no longer responding and no longer updating the screen. When the insert has been finished the application works as normal.

Because it is Delphi Code I have tried this also with Lazarus. The Lazarus Application does not stop responding.

Any idea what is the reason at MyVisualDatabase with the stopped responding?

Application is attached.

Have Fun.

btw.: lower the amount of lines to ad or you need to wait a little bit longer.  smile


(5 replies, posted in Reports)

Dear Dmitry,

Thank you for the information. Any plans to upgrade Fastreport in a later Version of MVD?

Thank you.

Problem with copied text to RTF found. The Text copied from an Email into the Editor was somewhat missformated. Everything was in Chinese symbols. Seems to be a problem with the language setting at the email.


(5 replies, posted in Reports)

Hi Dmitry,

I have got the information from Fast Report, that a PDF/A3 Format is required. Supported by Fast Report VCL 6, but not on earlier Versions. They have an example on the latest Fast Report VCL how to import addtional files into a PDF File.

Which Version do you use?

Thank you.

btw.:   What are you using for the RFT Editor? TRichview or the Rad Studio Element? A user has copy/paste a Text into the RTF Editor and got a "creative" result.


(5 replies, posted in Reports)


I need to export a report to a PDF File and to embedd some .xml Data into this PDF File.

Is this implemented in Fastreport and MyVisualDatabase

Any example available? Exporting is not so the problem, but how to embed additional Data in an report? Must it be done in MyVisualDatabase or inside the report file?

Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in General)

Thank you for the answer.

I need to send you the question again by email - requirement from our managment.

We have only one developer...


(3 replies, posted in General)

Dear Dimtry,

We are planning to move our IT Environement to a Cloud location.

Does your license permits to use run your software on a Clould System and connecting to your software via  Remote session?
Software means your software and any software we are compiling with your software.

Development should be done via remote session on a virtual PC at the Cloud lcation.

Thank you for your information in advance.

Thank you


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Derek,

Thank you for the file.
Would be an option, but to see rich text in the grid would be more interesting.
Any idea how to edit rich text directly in the grid?
Extra editor fields for an selected row is possible, but direct edit would be a good feature. I have seen another software where it is possible to do so.

Thank you.


(2 replies, posted in General)


the table grid shows the Rich Text in Raw Format, which makes it unreadable.

Is it possible to have the rich formated text in the table grid or extracted plain text?

Any way to edit rich text in a table grid like "normal" text and numbers?

Thank you.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Thank you for the information.


(5 replies, posted in General)

tcoton wrote:

MariaDB is a fork from the creators of MySQL and is fully open source so it might be compatible as long as you can connect to MariaDB.

Since Version MariaDB 10, MariaDB works not really identical to MySQL8 or earlier.

So I would need to know which libray version of libmysql.dll from MySql is used by MyVisualDatabase. Thank I can select a suitable MySQL Version and MariaDB.


(5 replies, posted in General)


Maybe somebody has some experience with MySQL and Maria DB. I need some help for the following questions:

- Is MySQL Community 5.6 supported by MyVisualDatabase 5 or does I need to use Version8? Some other applications requesting Version 5.6. Would be perfect if I don't need to do a separate installation.
- Is MariaDB compatible to MyVisualDatabase 5?

Question about MariaDB is only because some internet sources are writing that the performance is better with MariaDB as with MySQL.

Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello to all,

I am using fastreport inside our applications by script and not by an button action.

Some of the reports are using TTF Fonts which are not existing in some other systems. With other PDF Creators, including Adobe, it is possible to import/include the used TTF Fonts with the created PDF File. These files are readable on every system, regardles if the used TTF is installed or not.. It makes the .pdf somewhat larger but this is ok.

How is it possible to include used TTF Fonts in the Fastreport   PDF Export?  At the moment I print everything with an PDF Printer but using the export function would be better.

Thank you in advance for help.


(5 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:

Sorry for delay, I was on vacation.

In the moment I can suggest to use SQLCipher C/C++ DLL for Windows ($499 / developer)

Also you can check this example, how to encrypt data.
http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/misc. … download=1

Hi Dimtry,

Thank you for the information.

The encryption in the example is compatible to RC4 which is flagged as broken/unsafe.
EU requries to use encryption with a "current technical status" which means for example AES, Twofish.

The SQL Cipper for $499 seems to be better.

Any solution for MySQL Connections?

Thank you.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dimtry,

I need some information from your side because of Data Privacy and maybe other customers in the european community too.

On May 25, 2018 the new european privacy protection law will become active, which requires "privacy by design".

This means, that I am, and regulary all european users/developer of databases, forced to store "personal" information encrypted. Personal information are widely definied and could be, for example, the contact name of a sales person on a corporate company, Employee vehicle registration No. on travel expenses.

I have three options available
- Encryption of the whole local database (which is not supported by the SQLite Engine as far as I know)
- Encrypted connection to an database server (is this supported with MySQL as far as I know)
- Encrypted fields in a database table (last time there were some problems with ANSI/UTF Chars in storing encrypted RC5 values)

For your information security officer (which is now required by EU-Privacy Protection Law) I need answers to the following questions:
- Is there any plan/option to encrypt the local SQLite Database (must be "clear" in copyright to distribute applications)?
- Will the ANSI/UTF Problem solved with the RC5 encryption?
- Is there any plan/option to encrypt the connection to MySQL - or other Database servers if you support them?
- Is there any plan/option to use AES256, Blowfish, or other strong encryption with MyVisualDatabase?
- Is there a plan or option to use stronger hash algorithm like SHA256?

Thank you for your help in advance.


Thank you.
Works perfect.

Hi Dmitry,

Thank you for the sample and source code.

Sorry, I have forgetten to write that I want to have this in a printed report. So I need an information how to do it in Fastreport too.

Thank you.

Hi to all,

does anybody know how what I need to setup for an automatic color changing every xx row in a table?

To have it better readable I want a different background color every 2 or 3 rows.

Thank you in advance.


(5 replies, posted in General)

What you want to do requires user permission and permission handling.

As far as I know this is not out of the box available.

On the other side, I am working with a lot of scripts. So I haven't take a deep look into other possibilities.

Maybe somebody else has an example about user permission to divide users into full access and read only access.

It must be done inside the database application. Changing permissions on the network share would be damaging. SQLite needs internal write access for internal purposes. Savest was is to do it inside the application.


Need to double the qoutation mark to make it work.

Here a little script to to it automaticly (just created from a test procedure - could be optimized)

function Special_Wrapper (input:string):string;
// doubles special characters for compatibility of SQL Statements
// can be extended by using more IF statements.
   text1, text2 : string;
   counter1, counter2 : integer;
   text1 := input;
   counter1 := length(text1);
   text2 := '';
   for counter2 := 1 to counter1 do
     //This IF statement can be repeated for more special characters
     if (text1[counter2] = '''') then  //this is for a   '
       text2 := text2+text1[counter2];
     if (text1[counter2] = '"') then   //this is for a   "
       text2 := text2+text1[counter2];
     text2 := text2+text1[counter2];;
   Result := text2;

How to use example:

   sqltext: string;
   sqltext := special_wrapper(Form1.Edit1.Text);
   sqlexecute('INSERT INTO table (user, text) VALUES("johndoe"; sqltext)');

Hi to all,
I have a small problem.
Because I do some user permission tests and other test, I am storing via script to the database.

When a user enter a quotation mark (") into a text, I get an SQL Error.

User JOHNDOE add a remark to an order. The remark is
This customer is "important" to the management.

The SQL Statement changes from

insert into orderinformation (CustomerID, Remarks, UserID, Date) values ("A362","This customer is "important" to the management.","Johndoe", "2017-12-30")


insert into orderinformation (CustomerID, Remarks, UserID, Date) values ("A362","This customer is "important" to the management.","Johndoe", "2017-12-30")

I am missing somewhat, beause when I store it without script it works.

Does Anybody knows what I need to add?

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Removing Typos


(1 replies, posted in Reports)

Hi Dimtry,

at the PDF Export you can set manual some of the PDF Properties and Security settings, etc.

Is it possible to do it by script or any other presetting and blocking manual changings? Mostly interesting for Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Creator and Producer.

Since you can read out the MAC ID it would be nice to have some fun with this. Like using MAC ID for Creater Identification and Producer setting for some advertising with each exported PDF File.