Topic: SOLVED - SOLUTION SCRIPT INSIDE: Probem with storing via script
Hi to all,
I have a small problem.
Because I do some user permission tests and other test, I am storing via script to the database.
When a user enter a quotation mark (") into a text, I get an SQL Error.
User JOHNDOE add a remark to an order. The remark is
This customer is "important" to the management.
The SQL Statement changes from
insert into orderinformation (CustomerID, Remarks, UserID, Date) values ("A362","This customer is "important" to the management.","Johndoe", "2017-12-30")
insert into orderinformation (CustomerID, Remarks, UserID, Date) values ("A362","This customer is "important" to the management.","Johndoe", "2017-12-30")
I am missing somewhat, beause when I store it without script it works.
Does Anybody knows what I need to add?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: Removing Typos