(187 replies, posted in General)

Hello, DriveSoft.

It would be possible within everything you plan to implement in new versions of MVD that would give support to another type of database server, in this case I am talking about postgresql. It would be great, so you would compete with Lazarus


(2 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hello everyone, the problem is in the spaces between the quotes and some texts that seem to recognize them as reserved.


// SQL query for check user and password
s := VarToStr( SQLExecute('SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (login = ''' + sUser + ''') AND (password = ' + frmChangePassword.edPassword.sqlValue + ');') );

Now it would be like that:

// SQL query for check user and password
s := VarToStr( SQLExecute('SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (login ='''+frmLogin.edUser.Text+''') AND (password ='''+frmLogin.edPassword.Text+''');') );

In the case of texts that seem to recognize them as reserved, it would be like this:

SQLExecute('INSERT INTO users(login, `password`, `read`, `write`, `remove`, search, administrator) VALUES ("admin", "admin", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);');


(2 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hello, I am adapting your Login form with password change to a database in Mysql, (10.1.34-MariaDB), and cause several problems in the syntax of the query. Example


SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO users (login, password, read, write, remove, search, administrator) VALUES ("admin", "admin", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);');

After. (works):

SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO users (login, `password`,` read`, `write`,` remove`, search, administrator) VALUES ("admin", "admin", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ');

In this I have problems:

s: = VarToStr (SQLExecute ('SELECT count (id) FROM users WHERE (login =' '' + frmLogin.edUser.Text + '' ') AND (password =' '' + frmLogin.edPassword.Text + '' ' ); '));

What would be the correct one for this problem?


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hello again.
How to auto-define the connection values to the mysql database and omit the connection form when starting the application.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hello everyone.
I'm doing a query on mysql and it gives me a problem. There are text fields in the table that have special characters like "í" and "ñ". That's why I do not get results when doing the query.

I think of a way of solution, create a field where you can put the text without the special characters from a form, or when you enter the text with special characters save it without them in the new field.

Example: name_expecial: "Toño Año"
                name_normal: "TonoAno"


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry.
There is some way to embed maps to the app for offline work?


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry and mathmathou

I've tried it and added it to my solution and it's great for me now, if I have any questions, I'll tell you.

Thanks and regards


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hi, I want to create a function that allows me to do this.
1- read a sql file
2- process the read (clean data), example, delete the lines that start with a certain character.
3- store the processed in a variable
show the displayed in a text box



(2 replies, posted in FAQ)

Everything works fine when the network does not use a proxy, but in my work, a proxy is used to access the internet, as I resolve that detail so that it shows me the map.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Other doubts:

1- Can this menu be placed on a form other than the main one?
2- Can icons be added to the menu?
2.1- If the answer is no. Can characters be used as an alternative to icons? like the ones shown here https://www.copypastecharacter.com/


(4 replies, posted in General)

How can I add items to the menu that comes by default in the application?


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hello lupo ...
You could upload an example with the problem to help you ...

PS: Does that identification you refer to is assigned by the user or is it automatically assigned?


(12 replies, posted in General)

Hello Derek ...
Thanks for teaching us so much, hehe, I saw that it was just a variable problem, what a fool I am, haha ..

Thanks brother.


(18 replies, posted in General)

EHW ...
Brother, when you have a time look at this, my last post


(18 replies, posted in General)

AD1408 wrote:

Hi Wenchester21,

I do not know if it is my PC or if it is the example, but when I import the CSV it does not restore the images of the companies.

As EHW pointed out, images cannot be exported in .csv file, as it's a text file.

Hello Adam...
Thank you for clarifying the doubt about the images. Ahhh, I did not get the error you said, in fact it exports me and matters well to the example of the ehwagner.

Hello EHW...
Now, I tried to adapt the example to my work and I showed an error, I explain.
When I export the data, then I delete them from the database, and I try to restore them (import), I get an error "Foreign key error", see the example I upload and do the same as me, do they get the same error?


(18 replies, posted in General)

I do not know if it is my PC or if it is the example, but when I import the CSV it does not restore the images of the companies.


(12 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

Hi Wen,
I guessed that you'd want to not show countries that have not registered a person - LOL!
        if (ValidInt(cfcountryValue)) and (cfcountryvalue > '0') then ChartPie.Series[0].AddY(StrToInt(cfcountryValue),countryvalue);
Please see attachment and hope it helps

Hello, Derek.
How easy it is when everyone cooperates ...
That's what I was looking for. Thank you...

I really must have problems with the graphics, look at what I'm doing. It's a horizontal bar graph, the data is fine but it does not really represent the data I want ... What could be the error?


(4 replies, posted in Reports)

Thanks for the correction, and great work that you have done with MVD.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello Derek,
I think that the way in which I have drawn up the project causes some type of double or bidirectional relationship that causes all this to happen. The way you use to solve the issue of exam registration (question 2) is very creative and useful. I stay with that way.

Question 2 "Done"

If you want or think you can add some other functionality, feel free to add it, and then you explain what you have added.



(12 replies, posted in General)

In the graphic, how to do not show the countries that have not registered a person


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello Derek,

That is the point, and it is almost all that is needed for this third question that I formulate in my first comment. Thanks for the input...
ahhh !!!, as soon as what you say that you do not pass the login, I do not really know what it may be since I downloaded the attachment that I uploaded and it works for me ...  user: admin pass: admin.

Question 3 "Done"



(4 replies, posted in Reports)

Please look at the project here http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4041


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello friends, I tell you about my project, what I am doing is a student management system, at first I supported the example that comes with the installation of MVD, but it has already changed a lot. This project I am doing to donate it to a school that has students from all over the country and does not have a system to manage them. During its construction I have relied heavily on their ideas and contributions, that is why I decided to upload it in order to solve some of the errors and inconveniences that I see in the project. Any help and contribution is very grateful ...


1- In the "frmMain" form, the "bPrint1" button is used to print the selected records in the "TableGrid1" grid, but it gives me an error. The problem is in the checkbox (I can not print with multiselection and I can not print the status of the chekbox)

2- When I add a new student "frmMain.bAdd" the new registration form "frmStudent" opens. If I go through the logical steps of starting to add data by name, last name, etc ... everything is fine. But if by chance I start with the students' exam grades and I regret and click on closing, I automatically generate a blank record of exam grades and a new student.

3- In the statistics tab (where an image of a Cuba map appears) thanks to EHW and Derek I managed to put a pie chart, now ..., I want to put in each one of the circles (represent the provinces) the quantity of students that correspond to that province (Example: frmMain.label_spain.Caption: = SQL code)

For me those are some inconveniences that I see, if you want to contribute something I thank you very much.

Hola amigos, les cuento sobre mi proyecto, lo que estoy haciendo es un sistema de gestion de estudiantes, al principio me apoyé del ejemplo que viene con la instalación de MVD, pero ya ha cambiado mucho. Este proyecto lo estoy haciendo para donarlo a una escuela que tiene estudiantes de todo el país y no tiene un sistema para gestionar a los mismos. Durante su construcción me he apoyado mucho en sus ideas y aportes por eso he decidido subirlo para poder solucionar algunos errores e inconvenientes que le veo al proyecto. Cualquier ayuda y aporte es muy agradecida...


1- En el formulario "frmMain", el botón "bPrint1" es utilizado para imprimir los registros seleccionados en el grid "TableGrid1", pero me dá un error. El problema está en los checkbox (no logro imprimir con multiselección y tampoco logro imprimir el estado de los chekbox)

2- Cuando doy en añadir nuevo estudiante "frmMain.bAdd" se abre el formulario de un nuevo registro "frmStudent". Si voy por los pasos lógicos de empezar a añadir datos por nombre, apellidos etc..., todo marcha bien. Pero si por casualidad empiezo por las notas de los exámenes de los estudiantes y me arrepiento y hago click en cerrar, automáticamente se me genera un registro en blanco de notas de examen y de nuevo estudiante.

3- En el tab de estadística (donde aparece una imagen de un mapa de cuba) gracias a EHW y Derek logré poner un gráfico de pastel, ahora..., deseo poner en cada uno de los circulos (representan las provincias) la cantidad de estudiantes que corresponden a esa provincia (Example: frmMain.label_spain.Caption: = SQL code)

Para mi esos son algunos inconvenientes que veo, si desean aportar algo se los agradesco mucho.


(5 replies, posted in Script)

Thanks, very useful correction


(12 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

Morning Wen, EHW,
EHW - I've never looked at any of the charting options before so you saved me having to scratch my head over this one - very nice!
Wen - one thing you might consider is automatically updating the pie-chart rather than doing it on the button (see attached).  But it's just a cosmetic thing, the real work has already been done by EHW and yourself.

just one thing
I can show this count in a label, that is, one label per country, (Example: frmMain.label_spain.Caption: = SQL code)