(23 replies, posted in Script)

I have tried that but there is an ugly arrow showing through. It does the trick for now but I really would like to use the script feature and the documentation is... slim.


(3 replies, posted in General)

How about this? : https://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/view … hp?id=8368


(3 replies, posted in FAQ)

What are you using? Abiword is a word processor, it is not designed to process spreadsheets. The button 'open to excel' is actually opening a CSV file. so if you want to open CSV files with a word processor, you must tell Windows to associate CSV files to a word processor.


(23 replies, posted in Script)

I might be dumb but I am struggling to use the procedure ShowRecord to actually work, whichever way I am trying, I get an error ')' expected at... or undeclared identifier: 'Users' at...

How do you write this procedure to display the record of say table 'Users' with the ID of the current form into another form the same way a button "Show Record" does?

Currently, I am trying to achieve this:

procedure Admin_UsrInfoBtton_OnClick (Sender: TObject);

The reason I want to script it is because I want to use an image instead of an ugly Windows button.


(3 replies, posted in FAQ)

I think that if you do not have Excel installed, Windows will ask you which program you want to use, set it to open by default. Have you tried?

k245 wrote:

The button will open the form and update the contents of the table on it only if the table is already configured to display data. If the data in the table is displayed through the search button or the SQL query button, then automatic updating will not occur. In this case, you need to execute the click method for the button.

That I understood, hence my question: what is the code behind the button?

The picture in my first post illustrates the very same project with the very same data. The difference being, I want to use a picture as a button since the button are very limited graphically speaking.

While waiting for answers, I went for the scripted onshow dbupdate but I am still curious.

That answers part of the question, is there a very specific code behind the buttons so that when we use the "Show Form" action, it automatically performs a grid.dbupdate on any grid displayed on the form opened?

I am really confused with the event Show or ShowModal in a script vs using a button with the event "Show Form" as when the form shows, it does not display any record in a grid when used in a script but displays with the button. How should I write a script to display a form containing a grid with all its content?

This code does not display the content of a grid in the opening form.

procedure Form1_securityPNG_OnClick (Sender: TObject);



(1 replies, posted in Database applications)

If there is a way for the device to send data to an external database or copy the data from the device to the database, I don't see why not. It depends on the device connectivity and protocol openess but I'd rather use MySQL to manage patient data or even better a time series database system like Influxdb which coupled with Grafana can provide very nice real time and recorded graphs. Both are open source, which means free professional products. I use it to monitor my homemade weather sensors and lots of IT companies use it to monitor their infrastructure in real time.

https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/dat … e-plugins/



(0 replies, posted in General)

Is there a way to connect to an LDAP directory from MVD to retrieve user infos?

What are you trying to achieve with your conversion?
I do not understand the "SQLDateTimeToDateTime" part, usually you convert a date time to a date or to a string not to date time.
According to the error, your column format might not be a "date time" but a "date" field only, hence the impossible conversion.

Looks neat and easy to implement, thanks Sparrow!

@k425, vovka3003 and sparrow,

A big thank you, UUID was my initial idea but I have no idea how to implement it with MVDB since you need to use sha or md5 is there a hash feature in MVDB?

I will try the 2 other solutions whichever is simpler and more capable of uniqueness of the generated UIDs.

Hi Derek,

I had the same idea after searching on the forum and I have seen a counter example that could do it from Dmitry where the counter and the formatted id are concatenated.

Thanks, that does the job but I need to fill just one text box at a time, I am struggling to adapt this to a textbox instead of a memo.

Is there a a way to generate a unique and random or sequenced number which would be saved along each new entry in a column? I would like to automatically fill out a field to use as a QrCode/Barcode reference. I know Sqlite does not have a sequence function.

There is an open source version of FastReport now, any chance to see an ultimate version of MyVisualDatabase implementing it? https://github.com/FastReports/FastReport

How do set other properties for the QR code, like displaying some text below the QrCode? The "edit" menu is disabled for QrCodes.

It does work with text fields but if the field is integer, it skips the zeros when scanned!!

Is there a way we can update the FastReport module which is 10 years old? I am trying to get QrCodes in reports but it skips any zero present in the field which renders them completely useless. Is there a trick?

Let's say I have a field named pcode which contains references like 533656021545 or 10005354300, when the QrCode is scanned, it has removed all zeros and the pcode looks like 53365621545 or 153543.


(8 replies, posted in Talks about all)

Ici: http://myvisualdatabase.com/help_fr/Introduction4.html

ou depuis l'interface de MVDB Menu en haut --> Help --> Help (ce sera en anglais par là)

On ne peut pas vraiment parler de manuel en tant que tel mais plutôt un guide.


(8 replies, posted in Talks about all)

La gestion intégrée des profils est assez puissante, que cherche tu à faire?

La commande INSERT INTO va toujours ajouter une ligne, c'est une commande SQL pour ajouter des lignes. Pour mettre à jour une ligne déjà existante, il faut utiliser "UPDATE" comme montré au post #2 par pavlenko.vladimir.v sauf qu'il faut enlever le deuxième "WHERE ID= your id" parce qu'on ne peut pas mettre deux fois "where" dans une requête SQL.

UPDATE table SET column = 'value' WHERE condition


if ( Frmservices.TableGrid1.SelectedRow >= 0 ) then
    SQLExecute('UPDATE devis SET prix="'+ SQLEXecute('SELECT prix FROM services WHERE id='+Frmservices.TableGrid1.sqlValue)+'")');

Looks like a brilliant idea, I love configuration tables, I already use one. It does not apply to this very case but could prove useful.

Thanks Derek!!

Thanks Sparrow for the geek version of it, it does the same but it takes longer to write than the version from Derek wink