(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitri, can your software also connect to MS SQL server databases ?


(4 replies, posted in Reports)

This problem is very common. This is of course because the 4.4.10 field is a text field. I usually add another field which is number type, and fill in the numbers manually how I want to sort the 4.4.10 field. You can than sort on the number field instead on the text field. After that you can hide the number field, by using it in the query and not using it in the report.


(1 replies, posted in Script)

Is it possible to store the value of the Windows Computername and the Windows Login-name (or Username) in a table when a user connects to the database ?
Something similar as in VisualBasic script:
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll"


(5 replies, posted in General)

OK I understrand that control setting must be changed manually, in case of renaming fields.

It took some time for me to figure it out.
When I added a new table to an existing datase, I answered "Yes" when the dialog asks  to recreate the database.
However all the data in all existing tables were deleted.
(The new created table was not yet containing any data at this time.)


(1 replies, posted in General)

I have noticed that SQliteStudio reports some different field types than MVDB.
Tekst, Integer and Real are reported the same.

MVDB-Bolean      is reported as Integer.
MVDB-DateTime  is reported as Tekst.
MVDB-Date          is reported as Tekst.
MVDB-Time         is reported as Tekst.
MVDB-Image       is reported as Blob. This is OK I think.
MVDB-File           is reported as Blob. This is OK I think.

Why does MVDB has many different field-type options, when actually most field are Tekst-type ?
Can these differences be a problem ?


(1 replies, posted in General)

How to write script that automatically sets the current date in field "DateOfChange" when one of the fields in that record was changed. ?

Another one:
How to prevent some fields in a form from being changed, depending on the value of a specific field in that form.


(5 replies, posted in General)

2) Additional info:
When a fieldname is changed after a project is run, and you run the project again, you get an error :
"No such column tablename.OLDfieldname".
However the database opens, but gives same error when opening a form with this OLDfieldname.
(I run version 1.41 with WIN7 Home 64bit)
Maybe I did something wrong ?


(5 replies, posted in General)

Nice software.
I have been working and struggling with my data, and I think I have some hints and tips for users.

1) Warning:  do not change the tablename after running a project. This action will delete existing data. You can only change tablenames before running a project.

2) After modifying a table (addding field or renaming field) save your project (save as) in a new empty directory.

3) To import existing data form Acces, there are also some other options than exporting your data to csv. (csv can give easily problems with decimal and comma characters).

a)  In Acces you can export the data as dbf files (Dbase3). This format can also be imported with Sqlitestudio.

b)  In Acces you can install an ODBC-SQL driver. Than you can link the sqlite tables in Access and update the data with updatequeries.
This is sligthly more complicated, but gives you maximum flexibility for data manipulation.