(4 replies, posted in Script)

Dimitry it was my mistake., found the error. Sorry and thank's for your quick response


(4 replies, posted in Script)

I write this nut doesn't do nothing.
Form1.Edit3.Text := Form1.TableGrid1.Columns[3].Footer.Caption;

the values I want to add together are in the columns 3. But I can not get the results.
Can I use this command also in a button and not in the tablegrid1 ?


(4 replies, posted in Script)

How can i Add from one a tablegrid the values from a certain colum and have the result in a textbox ?


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hi again.
My next question is if I have a table with some names and prices, I want every time I make a search of a name I will see the total price of it
I sen you en example in the nam Alfa I have it twice wit two values in the colum price (10 and 25) I will see in the screen the result ,25

I will send you my software


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hi I need an example with SQL script.
1) I need to delete all the datas from a table and I use the command
table name : ena

SQLExecute ('TRUNCATE TABLE ena');
Is this correct to delete only the datas from a table?

When I use the command
Select  * FROM customers
WHERE city='Athens'

and those results should be showen in a TableGrid

How can I write this script?

Thank you in advance


(1 replies, posted in Script)

Creating the tables there is a check box with the title The table is dictionary.
What does it mean???
And in which cases do we need them.
O have watched the lessons but could not understand it


(4 replies, posted in Script)

Yes it works!!
Thank you.


(4 replies, posted in Script)

Send it.
Thank you in advance!!!


(4 replies, posted in Script)

I have create a small program  with addresses and phone numbers.
When I choose then using a button with ForShow i get the write results,
but when I use it from another form I get more phonenumbers.
I send you a doc file with some icons so you will have a better look with what I wanna say.

Were can I send you my program to have a better look ?


(1 replies, posted in Script)

1) Is there a way to have to file sqlite.db with the tables and all the datas in a site (like dropbox) and and the frame  in our pc home ? If yes how can we be connected ?

2) Can many users work a database file (sqlite.db) the same time?

Thank you in advance



(1 replies, posted in General)

Is there a way to have our own pics in the buttons?


(4 replies, posted in General)

how is it possible to hide from the first form the "About"

Bets Regards


(1 replies, posted in Script)

How can I have in the combobox only once a record ?

In the past you have send me the  script to avoid double
records, but I don't wanna this script because I already have
the database.

How can I avoid having the same record in a combobox?
or If I can avoid the same text from a combobox.


(30 replies, posted in Script)

Sent it by e-mail
or download it from dropbox


(30 replies, posted in Script)

Something easy for you, which I can not make.. I tried it but I cva not find the solution.
So the problem is when IO have in my database many times the same records how can I have In a combox the record just once.

I have a table with 2 records

I have added the city and the countru many times
Greece        Athens
Gremany     Frankfurt
Greece        Thessaloniki
USA               New York
France          Paris
Gremany       Berlin
USA               Boston

us you can see Greece and the USA is more than once, how can I have them only once in a combobox without using the upper script.
I am asking it because I make copy/paste many records form the internet (over 100 recoder the time) and I like to short the combobox when there are the same records


(30 replies, posted in Script)

It works.!!!!!



(30 replies, posted in Script)

sent it, !!!!!


(30 replies, posted in Script)

Can I use this script also for two diggerent tables ?
I mean if a word is similar in the two tables then this shoulb be avoid.

I have tried it changing the code but nothin happend.


(30 replies, posted in Script)

Found the error, my mistake.!!!


(30 replies, posted in Script)

When the record need some changes I search it or double click  the table on the record
I do the changes But when pressing The Save Button

'Person already exists.'


(30 replies, posted in Script)

Ok with that when I choose a new record.
When the recrod exist but we like to do some changes
what then ?

Thank you again!!

Another stupid question.
In the database, in the Field Type is a symbol ^ what is that ?

That's exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Can you please (!!!!) send me a example
Thank you in advance