Topic: Script SQL in MVD Program

Hi I need an example with SQL script.
1) I need to delete all the datas from a table and I use the command
table name : ena

SQLExecute ('TRUNCATE TABLE ena');
Is this correct to delete only the datas from a table?

When I use the command
Select  * FROM customers
WHERE city='Athens'

and those results should be showen in a TableGrid

How can I write this script?

Thank you in advance

Re: Script SQL in MVD Program


SQLExecute('DELETE FROM ena');

used to delete records in a table

Please, download example project … download=1

I added this feature in the version 1.50


Re: Script SQL in MVD Program

Hi again.
My next question is if I have a table with some names and prices, I want every time I make a search of a name I will see the total price of it
I sen you en example in the nam Alfa I have it twice wit two values in the colum price (10 and 25) I will see in the screen the result ,25

I will send you my software

Re: Script SQL in MVD Program

You can see total in footer of TableGrid.
I sent the project to you.
