(3 replies, posted in Script)

I have a database that set records about get and give money!
So I can search by input user and get any record that user involved!
I have two column on my database :


In my example in a record Person 1 give 1$ to person 2
and in another record Person 2 give 2$ to person 1.

so, when I want to get a Bilance from Person 1 and sum all of amounts , I can show all of transactions in grid ! but logically  when person 1 give something to person 2 it means Person 2 get it from person 1 !!! (Hope you understand me)

and this is make a problem with my project sad
Because when I get a billance from Person 1 , and show person 2 in my grid (because person 2 involved in) , all amounts person 2 give to person 1 and person one give to person 2 show in one column! While, when I search Person 1, Person two gives must be shown in GET column! and person 2 gets must be shown in Give columns!
We have the same thing about Person 2!!!

so I need to know how can I do that ?!

Please see the picture for more information's.
Thanks a lot


(1 replies, posted in General)

Where can I found Rules of Input Mask Editor ?!
I want to make a mask accept only numbers in any length!
How can I do that ?!
Here is the Example of RegEx of the code I need :  \[0-9]+\


(1 replies, posted in General)

The GridView can only SUM one column!
How can I fix it ?!

Thanks a lot Dear Dimitri,
I've done it before! But I have a problem with names!
Contacts information's stored on another table! so I only store ID's on transaction tables!
and the problem is , Grid show ID's instead of names sad

I have a project that is a simple accounting database!
one of my column called (From) and another one called (to) ,
so I can search them one bye one!
For example I add a record with the following information's :

From : User 1
To : User 2
Give : 10$
Get : 0$

and another record is :

From : User 2
To : User 1
Give : 10$
Get : 0$

I can search via search function between these records but only can find records from (FROM) or (TO) Field and cannot combine both of them in one query!
I need to have search query which when I Search User 1 Find any records that this user involved! (Both of them as Giver or getter)
How can I do that ?!
Thanks a lot


(1 replies, posted in Script)

Dear Dimitri,
I want to make a folder inside the program root directory and rename it with a value get from a text box.
after that I need to copy the file in that folder and get full path of file! (Because when I copy file into a directory, only my directory and file name was saved in database, for example if the file copied to this address "images/filename.jpg" , when I tried to get path of file I got this path : "C:\images\filename.jpg" and this is not the true file path).
How can I do that ?
Thanks a lot


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Thanks a lot Dear Dimitri,
Can you tell me how can I get TEXT of selected row in DataGrid ? (For Image address big_smile)


(3 replies, posted in Script)

How can I load an Image from an address like it : "C:\image.jpg" into an Image box ?

Thanks a lot


(1 replies, posted in General)

Is it possible to use Custom Icons with Buttons ?!

Thanks a lot


(3 replies, posted in General)

Try SQLiteBrowser : http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/


(7 replies, posted in Script)

Dear Dimitri
I sent project to you smile
Please check it if you have time smile
Thanks a lot


(7 replies, posted in Script)

unfortunately code did not work sad


(5 replies, posted in General)

also, how can I show the file_filename in grid ?!


(5 replies, posted in General)

thanks a lot,
But another question,
how can I get root folder address of exe file ?!
I want to copy file inside the program "root/images" directory!
Of course I want to rename them in the new directory!
Thanks a lot

Is it possible to select multipe images for one field ?
also I want to copy and rename image file after selecting images, and only save the image name into the database! not the whole image file?!
How can I do that ?!
Thanks a lot


(7 replies, posted in Script)

Thanks a lot for answer smile

How can I use combination of keys in this Script ?

procedure Main_OnKeyPress (Sender: string; var Key: Char);
   if (Key = 'a') or (Key='A') then addedittr.ShowModal;
   if (Key = 's') or (Key='S') then addeditcontact.ShowModal; 
   if (Key = 'p') or (Key='P') then Main.PageControl.ActivePage := Main.Personen; 
   if (Key = 't') or (Key='T') then Main.PageControl.ActivePage := Main.Transaktion; 

For example "ctrl+a" ?!

Thanks a lot


(4 replies, posted in Script)

Thanks a lot


(4 replies, posted in Script)

DriveSoft wrote:

try this:

Main.biggerineu.Caption := SQLExecute ('SELECT MAX(einnahme) FROM Ennahmeausgabe')+' €';

Thanks a lot,
With this code I've got error when I have results !!!
All of my Results are double sad


(4 replies, posted in Script)

I've got The error attached when I run an sql with no result on the following code :

Main.biggerineu.Caption :=    FloatToStr(SQLExecute ('SELECT MAX(einnahme) FROM Ennahmeausgabe'))+' €';

I'm not knowing Delphi code as well as that can I solve this little problem sad

Thanks a lot


(6 replies, posted in General)

Coool The new features are awesome big_smile
I think some functions to access to registry (Read/Write) is good too smile


(1 replies, posted in General)

I think this is Good Idea that users can put some data's to GridView and after click on save button data's wrote to database!
I've seen your Invoice template and I found users can wrote Items to database without assigning them to an Invoice!!!
This is Make database fulled up by unusable data's!
Also I don't know how can I validate input values before wrote them down to database! For example I need to put an Item to database with a SKU number, so I want to search database for that SKU number and if it exist automatically put it to GridView and if not show an error message smile

Thanks a lot


(1 replies, posted in Script)

I've enabled Auto execution query on a GridView.
Also I have a Search button that can change GridView results with some filters.
So I need to know how can I wrote a script to restart GridView to show all records ?!

Thanks a lot


(7 replies, posted in Script)

how can I show a form from a script ?
I want to show a form (Form1) when pressing a key (for example "s" key) on keyboard!
Also I want to go to next field when press enter key on keyboard (Exactly like tab key).

Thanks a lot


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Thanks for reply smile
But the code did not work sad

Second Column is the column that I sum the values , so The code must be like this :


and I want to show it in a Label so my code is :

Form1.Label1.Caption := Form1.TableGrid1.Columns[1].Footer.Caption;

But the code did not work sad


(3 replies, posted in Script)

I need to know how can I get values from Grid footer (SUM) in scripts ?