Topic: Temporary GridView Datas!

I think this is Good Idea that users can put some data's to GridView and after click on save button data's wrote to database!
I've seen your Invoice template and I found users can wrote Items to database without assigning them to an Invoice!!!
This is Make database fulled up by unusable data's!
Also I don't know how can I validate input values before wrote them down to database! For example I need to put an Item to database with a SKU number, so I want to search database for that SKU number and if it exist automatically put it to GridView and if not show an error message smile

Thanks a lot

Re: Temporary GridView Datas!


sonixax wrote:

I think this is Good Idea that users can put some data's to GridView and after click on save button data's wrote to database!

This function is planned.

sonixax wrote:

I've seen your Invoice template and I found users can wrote Items to database without assigning them to an Invoice!!!
This is Make database fulled up by unusable data's!

You can make some fields is required.

sonixax wrote:

Also I don't know how can I validate input values before wrote them down to database! For example I need to put an Item to database with a SKU number, so I want to search database for that SKU number and if it exist automatically put it to GridView and if not show an error message smile

Thanks a lot

Example, how to validate values before save

procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
    if Form1.Edit1.Text='' then
       ShowMessage('Empty value.');
       Cancel := True;
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