(7 replies, posted in Script)

Here is the attached without dll or exe. I have tried to add on to the existing database from earlier. Sorry for all the trouble. Great help and support by the way. Bar none.



(7 replies, posted in Script)

Not tracking. I do not see what you are asking or where to Declare it a Integer. I cannot figure this out.

I have upload the full script.



(8 replies, posted in Script)

I have setup just like the other database you help me with before above in this thread. And it also have no action. What should it be then.


(7 replies, posted in Script)

The Script seems to works fine, just have that red line on script with the error listed

But I keep getting this error " Undeclared identifier: 'sid_mastersets' at 64:35


(7 replies, posted in Script)

Here is what I have:   But I keep getting this error " Undeclared identifier: 'sid_mastersets' at 64:35      Any ideas on what I did wrong.

      // id_mastersets
               if arrStr[6] <> '' then
                    sid_mastersets := SQLExecute ('SELECT id FROM mastersets WHERE dbmastersets LIKE ''' + ReplaceStr(arrStr[6], '''', '''''') +'''');
                    if sid_mastersets = '' then
                         SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO sets (dbmastersets) VALUES ('''+ ReplaceStr(arrStr[6], '''', '''''') +''');');
                         sid_mastersets := IntToStr(Last_Insert_id('mastersets'));
                         if sid_mastersets = '-1' then sid_mastersets := 'NULL';
               end else sid_mastersets := 'NULL';

               SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO base (year, id_sets, [Player Name], number, [psa grade], [psa number], id_mastersets) VALUES ('+ arrStr[0]+','+ sid_sets+','+ arrStr[2]+','+ arrStr[3]+','+ arrStr[4]+','+ arrStr[5]+','+ arrStr[6]+','+ sid_mastersets+');');


(8 replies, posted in Script)

Well I have since made three other databases with the import CSV file and they worked fine. But now I started an inventory one to the way I wanted it, but for the life me cannot get it to run. I thought I had the script thing down but it seems I don't. All I am trying to do is import CSV file. I have read the help file several times now and just am not getting it. Need to see if someone can help me with this one. Just trying to make sure I can do everything I want before I purchase the program. I have attached my project below without the dll or exe.



(8 replies, posted in Script)


Great Support. That fixed my problem. Will spread the word about the problem to others. Exactly what I was looking for. I now I understand what you did.



(8 replies, posted in Script)

Thanks for quick response.



(8 replies, posted in Script)

First let me start by saying I am rookie to databases and have look thru your forum to get up to speed on databases. My question is that I am having trouble getting my import CSV script to work. Is there any way to have some one look at what I am doing wrong.
