(2 replies, posted in General)

I have column (named Cost) in database, with 3 letters A,B and C. I would like to replace these letters so that the colour is displayed instead the letters themselves. How to approach this?

Here is visual example. There are two columns named Cost, ignore the one that shows the letters A, B, C. This is just to show data I currently have. I would like it to display as on the right side (column Cost), where you see 3 set of different colours.



(6 replies, posted in General)

I don't get it from the comments above how to insert existing database SQLite into my *.vdb project.


(1 replies, posted in General)

How can I import existing SQLite database? I have converted my csv file via RSQLite library using software R and saved the database as mydb.sqlite, all I see in the intro videos is how to create/insert data table. But I have already database table.

So if this is not the way to go you mention in other post that other way to imprt csv file is to use SQLite studio. I have successfully loaded mydb.sqlite into the SQLite studio so how to proceed next? Do you have any source/material available or a tutorial to use?
