(7 replies, posted in General)

I'm still on this project.
I can't figure it out.
I've done several tests with the script, but none seem to work. The software doesn't give me any errors, but unfortunately it doesn't filter the data.
I attach the project.
Delete the comments and then press the "Filter in "FM_PEOPLE" button.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Good evening guys, I still haven't managed to reach my goal.
From the post that k245 published above, it is clear that Static Filters can only be inserted in the TV "Setting".
However, I would need a Dynamic filter on TV.
I have attached the latest test I carried out, but without obtaining the desired results. Even when I insert the filter, the application doesn't start.

For convenience I have also attached a screen shot, to see how I tried to link the filter to an ID box.

I also thought I could use one of these procedures
, but I don't know how to implement the code.

A helping hand, thank you very much.


(7 replies, posted in General)

It' s Powerfull. Thanks you so much.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hi Derek, thanks for the project, concise and effective.
I have a question about the project. How can it do instant search while you are typing something on Edit1 and Edit2. I was able to do this by creating a button like your "bsearch hidde", but I had to write a short script to make it work automatically. It seems like a native function of MDV.
Thank you


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hi Sparrow, thanks so much for the work, but I can't unzip the zip correctly. How can I solve it?


(7 replies, posted in General)

very clear,
thank you very much k245
I will use the filter directly from the TV settings.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Forgive me, I was sure I uploaded it. Here it is below.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Good evening everyone
I'm trying to test the MDV tools on the script code side, using a specific guide.

I attach project file.
For convenience I also left written the lines that don't work, so you can see some of the tests I did, commenting on the lines that block the program. Thanks


(0 replies, posted in FAQ)

Hi guys,
I'm back with another question about Tree View.
How do I set the display of child records (only if present) as is done with TableGrids.
I attach a small project to give a better idea and a screen shot.
Because TV shows all the records in the table. How do I set up an automatic filter? I can't find it among the basic TV settings. Thank you


(5 replies, posted in FAQ)

Now it's clear.
Unfortunately, the logic is not explained clearly in the MVD guide, and the procedure for creating a basic model is also missing.
Thanks so much for the help guys.


(5 replies, posted in FAQ)

Thanks Derek, thanks jean.brezhonek

Ok, we're almost there.
Making the TV editable was important and I managed to get a first result.
But with the logic I still have a doubt.
I noticed that the TV allows you to always save to the same "Parent" table.
But then what is the "Children's Table" really for?
I saw that it is necessary to insert the foreign key when configuring the TV tool in MVD (therefore opening "settings"), but then in fact the connection with the "Children Table" is of no use.
If I look at Derek's example, by opening the "Settings" I notice that the foreign key remained set on the "People" table which however was deleted.
I am attaching:
- my first working project,
- screenshot of foreign key to Derek's file. (Inside my first working project).


(5 replies, posted in FAQ)

I've been trying to work with TreeView for a while.
I can't get it to work.

I also tried to download other examples from the Forum but I don't understand what the trick is.
I attach the basis of my project.

Help please.


(13 replies, posted in FAQ)

Hi Derek,Hi guys,
I made some changes, The code is not dynamic but already has a repeatable structure.
Thanks for your common procedure "customer_maintenance", it was a good inspiration, I had to rename it to "dynamic_card_xxxx" where with xxxx I indicate the numbers of the TabSheets (the first pair of x's) and the sub TabSheets (the second pair of x's).
I commented on your "OnMouseDown", I couldn't handle it. I then inserted a new one common procedure " Close_All ".
So It is sufficient to work on the *dinamic_card* to make the project "explode" in an orderly way.
I made the tabs visible in the forms otherwise you can't work on them, but I make them disappear in OnShow.
I almost forgot; I also inserted the Unicode smileys wink
Thanks for your help!


(13 replies, posted in FAQ)

Thanks so much Derek for your suggestions.  She will treasure it. 
1. Yes, better messagebox, mine was just an example for practice. 
2. In fact, I had noticed that it was starting to become difficult to manage the code, even with just a few pages, a more dynamic and easily adaptable code would be needed, I will take a look at your project as soon as I am in front of the PC.
3. It was a desired effect that I tested, just go to my code and uncomment the only commented line, you will see the tabsheet pop up.
4. I don't know how to embed Unicode icons, I think I will find the solution in your project.


(13 replies, posted in FAQ)

Thank you guys
I did some testing before understanding how the tool works.
Once you understand the logic it's easy to play with.
I attach my project.


(7 replies, posted in FAQ)

So, is there a way to expand the MVD scheme?


(13 replies, posted in FAQ)

Thanks pavlenko.vladimir.v
Thanks sparrow.   
I will test your solutions, hopefully tomorrow
I will update you.


(3 replies, posted in FAQ)

Thanks k245.
I looked around the site a bit, you can see that there is a lot of work behind it.  I didn't quite understand what your first solution (first link) does, but I focused on the dynamic interface (second link).
It is a solution that I was looking for, especially because when working on different PCs, I find myself with rigid interfaces that do not adapt well to the different types of fencing both in terms of shape (4/3, 16/9 etc..) and resolution (Full HD , 2k, 4k etc...).
I think your dynamic interface, which works as a responsive theme for websites, is an excellent solution (perhaps the best).   
From the site, however, I didn't quite understand how to use your tool, or if perhaps there is a file to download to use it and adapt it to my application. 

Enlighten me. Thank you


(7 replies, posted in FAQ)

Thank you so much Sparrow, it was exactly the article I was looking for.  I was going crazy to find it, I couldn't find it even with the search tool.

Thank you so much


(13 replies, posted in FAQ)

I'm playing around with Derek's code a bit.
I can't figure out how to write the script to hide a TabSheet, using "Visible=False" method.
I'll post the code but it's definitely wrong.

procedure Form1_Button1_OnAfterClick (Sender: TObject);                   //** switch back to the 'customer list' tabsheet after saving the record
  form1.PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0;
    form1.PageControl1.PageIndex1.Visible  := False; <--------- ERROR -------------


(7 replies, posted in FAQ)

with Brian's method I was also able to change the order of the tables without problems, which is very useful in the development phase, when perhaps a new factor comes into play that was not foreseen. I will definitely be able to better organize the structure of the software.

Very Thanks


(7 replies, posted in FAQ)

Hi Derek, Hi Brian,
Thanks for the replies.
The project is big, and so it must be, because I reconstructed the structure of a state software, and I needed all this data.
The need to have many FORMs arises from the fact that I had to create one for each piece of data I needed to insert, sometimes even just one piece of data, however for the FORMs I could also reduce their number, thanks to the solution identified by Derek in my last request "Open new page of a Page Control for New Record" can be reached here: https://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/view … p?id=8976.

The high number of tables arises from the fact that I had to build many different Combo-boxes. Brian's Solution seems workable though, (I had never explored the files), I tried it and it works great, so I can also manage the connections.

However, the graphical solution remains the most intuitive.
I had read a post in the Forum (damn, I can't find it anymore) it was titled something like this "three essential tools to use with My Visual Database", but I can't find it anymore, if anyone can give me a hand.

However I will continue to work on it. Thank you guys.


(3 replies, posted in FAQ)

My Visual Database is great,
but with big projects I'm starting to feel tight.
I have about 150 tables and 50 forms and they will become even more, it is becoming difficult to locate both the tables and the forms.
We would need a search tool or a way to sort them.
How can I solve it?

Thank you


(7 replies, posted in FAQ)

My project includes many tables.
The basic MyVisual DB Window is really small for my needs. How can I solve it?
- Is there a way to expand the window, perhaps by moving with the scroll bars?
- Or can I use another software in combination with MVD to help me do this?

Thank you


(13 replies, posted in FAQ)

Found !!!
It was sufficient to enter the "Settings" of tablegrid1 and click on the mechanical wheel of the "name" column and select "count" from the formula. Perfect !!!!