Topic: Expand the scheme

My project includes many tables.
The basic MyVisual DB Window is really small for my needs. How can I solve it?
- Is there a way to expand the window, perhaps by moving with the scroll bars?
- Or can I use another software in combination with MVD to help me do this?

Thank you

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Re: Expand the scheme

You can arrange the tables alphabetically by closing your IDE/opened project, then open the tables.ini in your favorite text editor. This though might not arrange the generated visual structure for that I think is arranged by their corresponding connections. But it will be much easier to locate when you want to update the table's field


Re: Expand the scheme

Hi Salvatore, Hi Brian,
When developing your application, keeping track of a large number of tables and forms can be a bit time-consuming.
Brian has given you an option for 'tables'.
For 'forms', there are 2 things that might help
1.  click on the 'forms' tab (see the attached screen shot (many thanks to 'Eyeman' for the example) and they will all be listed in alphabetical order.  You can 'untick' them all to make your work area nice and clean and then simply click on the form you want to work with.
2.  you can also select a sub-set of the forms for the particular part of your program that you are working on by ticking them - they will then be available as discrete 'tabs' along the top of the work area (see attached screen shot).
As a general observation, it does concern me when other Forum members mention that they have 40-50 tables and many many forms.  It is unusual to have so many which makes me wonder if the data schema could perhaps be streamlined   The same is true for a large number of forms - could you make more use of editable grids (for maintaining 'lookup' tables for example), use page controls / tab sheets more or review the actual business 'process flow'.  As well as making it easier when developing your program, it will also load faster.

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Re: Expand the scheme

Hi Derek, Hi Brian,
Thanks for the replies.
The project is big, and so it must be, because I reconstructed the structure of a state software, and I needed all this data.
The need to have many FORMs arises from the fact that I had to create one for each piece of data I needed to insert, sometimes even just one piece of data, however for the FORMs I could also reduce their number, thanks to the solution identified by Derek in my last request "Open new page of a Page Control for New Record" can be reached here: … p?id=8976.

The high number of tables arises from the fact that I had to build many different Combo-boxes. Brian's Solution seems workable though, (I had never explored the files), I tried it and it works great, so I can also manage the connections.

However, the graphical solution remains the most intuitive.
I had read a post in the Forum (damn, I can't find it anymore) it was titled something like this "three essential tools to use with My Visual Database", but I can't find it anymore, if anyone can give me a hand.

However I will continue to work on it. Thank you guys.

Re: Expand the scheme

with Brian's method I was also able to change the order of the tables without problems, which is very useful in the development phase, when perhaps a new factor comes into play that was not foreseen. I will definitely be able to better organize the structure of the software.

Very Thanks

Re: Expand the scheme

Hi all

3 FREE usefull tools … hp?id=1122

Re: Expand the scheme

Thank you so much Sparrow, it was exactly the article I was looking for.  I was going crazy to find it, I couldn't find it even with the search tool.

Thank you so much

Re: Expand the scheme

So, is there a way to expand the MVD scheme?