my question is
i want to make tablegrid with list of guests with checkbox button with each row
i mark it as visited/not visited status by selecting it with combobox button

and date filed is there

select date from datefield
select status from combobox
and list of users in TG with checkbox button so i can check it which guest visited which one is not visited and save it in database

i made a sample project in php i want implement same in MVD

I want to create a simple check-in and check-out system for bulk guests, allowing to select guests using checkboxes and submit the data, including the selected date, to a database table.

need to make same as in attached screenshot

I created example project and shown exactly what i want in screenshot folder

i want to make simple check in check out bulk guests selection with checkbox and submit it in database with selected date field in table

i hope with example and screenshot make my question easy to understand

plz rebuild it


(5 replies, posted in Reports)

fixed check in screenshot


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Love You


(2 replies, posted in General)

error date and time printing on report
when i try to print designed report with added date and time fields i cant see where data and time gone please help me with example