Topic: Output data from left to right

Hello everyone. Please help me to sort out the report. I can't create data output from left to right on one page. 4 entries in the database, after you select them and send them to the report, you need them to go on the album sheet in turn from left to right. The project is attached + a screen. Thanks

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Re: Output data from left to right

Here's a screenshot of how it should turn out

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Re: Output data from left to right


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4 (edited by malitos 2023-05-15 11:39:25)

Re: Output data from left to right

sparrow wrote:


Cool!!! Thank you, can you write in a nutshell what exactly you used for this ?

Re: Output data from left to right

Certainly can. At first I read the documentation and then I did it.

Which is what I recommend to you.

Re: Output data from left to right

fixed check in screenshot

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Attachment icon fixed.PNG 53.68 kb, 70 downloads since 2023-10-20