Topic: Possible To Bulk Load Pictures Into Database?

Hi Dmitry,  Is it possible to bulk load pictures into a database that has a picture field already defined as a field?

e.g. let's say i have a simple table with 2 fields, BookTitle of type TEXT and CoverPicture of Type IMAGE and I also have another external text file with a list of names of books and the local path to the book cover picture (JPGs); can I somehow run through each entry in this list and import the associated picture into the database table?

BTW, I know that storing pictures in the database itself it not the best in terms of performance and general database size, but the pics are small so it's not an issue at the moment.  Cheers, Dennis.


Re: Possible To Bulk Load Pictures Into Database?


In the current version you can't load files directly in database using script, but you can do import with reference to the picture (DBImage.Type=LinkFile)

Reference to the picture, you must store in the field: CoverPicture_filename

Here you can download example, how to do import from a CSV file … download=1

if you do not succeed, please send me your project and text file to
I'll try to help you.
