Topic: Format date in sql action

I have a table with two fields, field1: name and field2: Birthdate.
in a tablegrid I would view the list of names with dates of birth in the table.

Setting the query with the wizard of object inspettor in tablegrid Birthdate field is in the format dd / mm / yyyy ... and that's what I want; but by setting the query with sql (sql query action), the result in the field tablegrid Birthdate is in mm / dd / yyyy while I would see it in the format dd / mm / yyyy.
How can I solve it?
Thanks Riccardo.

Re: Format date in sql action

I noticed the same issue when querying straight from sql. You can use the strftime function:

Select strftime('%d/%m/%Y', Birthdate) from yourtable

More details here:

Re: Format date in sql action
