Topic: Customer Invoices

Simple invoicing database. Also you can to print the invoice.

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2 (edited by eyeman303 2019-06-05 09:47:10)

Re: Customer Invoices

I am trying to create a Money Receipt Printout, based on this program. However, the data is not loading correctly, and showing an error message. Where I am going wrong? Please help.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Invoice 495.05 kb, 768 downloads since 2019-06-05 

3 (edited by rayan 2019-06-06 07:26:45)

Re: Customer Invoices

Hi eyeman303, for the first pic you sended, it's because you probably use letter on calculated field, or there is no numeral or number default  value on a calculated field

Re: Customer Invoices

Please attach your project, I will test it.


Re: Customer Invoices

I studied the Simple Invoicing Database and want to understand how the table 'bills" gets the id_clients input? FrmService inputs are saved in table "bills" and frmService does not include any client reference. Add Services button in frmClient opens the frmService. Does this somehow add the client details to the bills table?

6 (edited by derek 2019-11-11 10:59:07)

Re: Customer Invoices

Hello Eyeman,
The data structure defines a one-to-many relationship between 'clients' and 'bills'. 
The form 'frmservice' can only be accessed through 'frmclient' which already knows the  Therefore, when the form 'frmservice' is opened, is passed through and used to automatically generate (and save) the foreign key (bills.id_clients) without you having to do anything. 
This is 'standard' MVD functionality and one of its main strengths.

Re: Customer Invoices

Hello Derek,
This is great. Let there be  table_1 and table_2, with a field id_table_1 in table_2. Inputs in form_1 are saved in table_1 and those from form_2 are saved in table_2. As a general rule it would mean that any button on form_1 that opens the second form_2, will automatically know and populate the foreign key table_2.id_table_1 and there is no need to create a drop-down object in form_2 to select id_table_1. Have I understood correctly?
Thank you for explaining the principles of MVD.

Re: Customer Invoices

Yes, you've got it.

Re: Customer Invoices

How can I select all item tablegrid1 from service and push botton ok to save table bill ?
thanks you

Post's attachments

Attachment icon select all..JPG 43.68 kb, 327 downloads since 2019-11-25 

Re: Customer Invoices

agusecc wrote:

How can I select all item tablegrid1 from service and push botton ok to save table bill ?
thanks you

I made an example for you. You can select all items using Ctr+A, or click+Shift(Ctrl)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon multiselect items for 24.25 kb, 937 downloads since 2019-11-25 


Re: Customer Invoices

Thanks You Verry Much Drive Soft.. Excelent...

Re: Customer Invoices

I just want to know what does the $ symbol and Line13 mean, in the ReportSQL query Line13 (frmClient.Button4)?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon SQL QUERY_2.JPG 59.9 kb, 287 downloads since 2020-10-04 

13 (edited by derek 2020-10-04 14:08:41)

Re: Customer Invoices

Hello Eyeman,
In an sqlquery or reportsql statement, you've probably seen something before like ........ where = {edit1}
But in this example, there is no {edit1} - the isn't in any edit field on 'frmclient'. 
However, it IS being held 'internally' (because that's how MVD links through from 'form1' to 'frmclient' with the record selected from form1.tablegrid1).
So, $id is simply the way of telling the query to use the 'internally' held id.
Hope that makes sense.

Re: Customer Invoices

Hello Derek,
Now I understand clearly, what the symbol signifies. Thank you once again, for helping me learn.