1 (edited by tcoton 2015-07-08 13:50:07)

Topic: Missing filter feature in default "Search" function

Hi Dmitry,

I just realized that an important feature is absent from MVDB when using default "Search" feature with a button, there is no filter possible!

I was looking for simple way to discard some results in an easy way without writing an SQL query which is the purpose of MVDB and it is available in the Grid properties smile

Is it planned to implement a filter in "Search" by button?


Post's attachments

Attachment icon filter_in_default_search_function.png 54.17 kb, 279 downloads since 2015-07-08 

Re: Missing filter feature in default "Search" function


You can use filter in settings of TableGrid, this filter will work when you use "Search" button.


Re: Missing filter feature in default "Search" function


yes, it works but it makes a step more in designing the tablegrid smile (we all are lazy guys)

Re: Missing filter feature in default "Search" function

Anyway, that you for idea )
