Topic: Find record inside from INDEX without search botton

As the title says I have an index field (when the form is showing up is empty) and I would like to find a record after putting 2 or 3 letters.
Is it possible to do that?

Thank you very much.

Re: Find record inside from INDEX without search botton

this is the form and the field .
Sorry for posting twice.

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Re: Find record inside from INDEX without search botton

If I understood you correctly, you should use ComboBox instead TextBox, then create event OnShow of the current form, and place this script to enable quick search in ComboBox:

procedure Form1_OnShow (Sender: string; Action: string);
   Form1.ComboBox1.Style := csDropDown; 

Also you can attach your project (zip-file without exe and dll)
I'll try to help you.
