1 (edited by jumper 2015-12-17 16:07:19)

Topic: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

I hope this post will be excepted as a harmless question. It's something that I have thought about since I started coding software not for my job. How do you decide what software to write? One of the reasons I think about it a lot is I don't want to waste a lot of time writing software that no one wants.

In fact, I'm doing that right now. To me, there are two ways to go.... Do you write software for a large audience? Or do you write software that fills a need for a narrow specialized audience?

As an example, I'm writing software that will fly WAY under the radar. It's going to be for people who rescue and transport animals. My lady is someone that does these things and as far as I know, there is no software for their particular needs.


I think if you want to go after the large audience, you will be competing with companies who have many software developers. I think large companies don't go after small audiences because there's not enough ROI for them.

I'm curious to know what you're thought are on this...

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

Scott Adams

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

When I see the amazing amount of absolutely useless software available everywhere and the very silent precious ones you have been seeking for ages, I think there is no ROI to consider when developing a software.

If your software fills a need, it will target the required audience. At the moment, I "try" to develop some specialized tools to fill gaps that no other edito can fullfil. MVDB is an amazing tool which also fills a gap in the need of a bunch of people and might become famous with the time.

I take some proud in developing these useful tools even though they target a few people as

1) I learn a lot with the help of this community 

2) they simply work

3) I can maintain them easily even after a while without having seen the code of a specific project

4) I am not a developer but still I can make an application big_smile

5) on the long term, I may target a larger audience using what I learned with the smallest projects wink

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Agreed with Tcoton,

Unless this is something you do for a living, ROI is not to be taken into account.

I've always developed "stuffs", previously in php, and this was always to serve the interests of a small group of people having the same interest in one thing in particular. For example, a system based on a game API (EvE Online not to name it), that permitted the small group (a game corporation) to monitor game activity and make decisions based on figures and not guesses.

My dev activity always started as a personal challenge, and was very often driven by a "I probably could do that" way of thinking.

Then, when starting, new ideas come along, new needs also, and this is how I learn.

Right now, I'm filling a gap for my own needs. But talking about it around me, I realise that a good bunch of people would need the same thing. So I learn, I try to do, and if I fail it's not important, because I learned so much in the process.

Nowadays, this kind of experience will always serve you, and the time you spent on your projects is not waisted time.


I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

4 (edited by jumper 2015-12-17 23:43:06)

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

tcoton wrote:

When I see the amazing amount of absolutely useless software available everywhere and the very silent precious ones you have been seeking for ages, I think there is no ROI to consider when developing a software.

If your software fills a need, it will target the required audience. At the moment, I "try" to develop some specialized tools to fill gaps that no other edito can fullfil. MVDB is an amazing tool which also fills a gap in the need of a bunch of people and might become famous with the time.

I take some proud in developing these useful tools even though they target a few people as

1) I learn a lot with the help of this community 

2) they simply work

3) I can maintain them easily even after a while without having seen the code of a specific project

4) I am not a developer but still I can make an application big_smile

5) on the long term, I may target a larger audience using what I learned with the smallest projects wink

Hi tcoton,
I agree about the useless software. A product that I was thinking of doing is password software. So I downloading a lot of them with high ratings from download.com. They were all terrible. The worse thing about them was they were very user unfriendly. I think a new user shouldn't have to works too hard to use the software. Also, I agree about what you said about doing "tools".
And, about the community here.... I'm starting to feel more and more at home here. I think the people I've come into contact with are extremely nice and helpful.

And sure you're a developer smile If you can get things done and have the right tool, you can do whatever you want. And I have to admit, the MVD is really a great piece of software.

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

Scott Adams

5 (edited by jumper 2015-12-18 01:10:04)

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

mathmathou wrote:

Agreed with Tcoton,

Unless this is something you do for a living, ROI is not to be taken into account.

I've always developed "stuffs", previously in php, and this was always to serve the interests of a small group of people having the same interest in one thing in particular. For example, a system based on a game API (EvE Online not to name it), that permitted the small group (a game corporation) to monitor game activity and make decisions based on figures and not guesses.

My dev activity always started as a personal challenge, and was very often driven by a "I probably could do that" way of thinking.

Then, when starting, new ideas come along, new needs also, and this is how I learn.

Right now, I'm filling a gap for my own needs. But talking about it around me, I realise that a good bunch of people would need the same thing. So I learn, I try to do, and if I fail it's not important, because I learned so much in the process.

Nowadays, this kind of experience will always serve you, and the time you spent on your projects is not waisted time.


Hi Mathias,
Cool about some of your background being php. I was never good a programming web stuff, so I admire people who can. When you have some free time, look at the software from BonitaSoft. It's almost like MVD, but made for the web. You might like it.

I would like to thank you both for replying to my question. I didn't know if I would be stoned or what...<g>.
I was thinking about something..... Would either of you be interested in doing some software together? We could either use the same code base or make stand alone projects that fit together as a whole (I think that would probably be the best way to go. It might be like I do this part, and you do this part... and so on.
Just thinking-------------------- (no pressure, just curios)

Thanks to you both

Update and Afterthought-------------------- If anyone else wants to join in, I don't mind. No big egos here smile

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

Scott Adams

6 (edited by mathmathou 2015-12-18 05:56:50)

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Man ! Jumper, you're really enjoying your MVD time aren't you smile

(sorry if the expression is not fully English, I'm not native...)

Anyway, your idea is interesting. I would add that we probably focused on our "own interests and/or needs" until now at least, and that we could be complementary on a  common project.

Now, if we want to follow that path, we need volunteers,  an idea, or a gap to fill  and an efficient mean of communication. Would I dare add an SVN for committing code and revisions ? smile

Let see what the others will answer but, on a free time basis for a start, if we can find a common project / idea, you can count me in.

Why not start with what we focused our MVD time on until now ?

I mostly worked on scraping web pages. As there is no HTML parsers yet incorporated to MVD, I code functions to get info from web pages , and I then store them in database and display them on form : kind of a easy/fast cataloguing tool if you want, because the user does not have to enter all info by hand, it's all automatic.

I also love nothing more than finding a way to nest SQL Queries to avoid writing a first one, and then have to fire a second one with variables and so on. My curious, stubborn and lazy side smile

Things like (which is not that complicated)

INNER JOIN asset_req ON asset_req.id_asset = asset.id
    asset_req.req_asset_sku NOT IN ((SELECT asset_sku FROM asset))
AND asset.id = 11
AND asset.asset_name LIKE '%A%'

Because I harassed Dmitry with that, he added HTTPGet and  HTTPGetFile to MVD, both for standard and secure http.

This guy is remarkable for his reactivity !

That's all for now, let see what the others might answer.



PS : I used to use BPM, mostly for decisional diagrams. The ease of use (external db connexion, expression writing, data mining...)  makes it a valuable tool

I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Thanks for the tip about Bonitasoft, never heard about it... see my previous post about the precious ones!! big_smile

I will give it a try as I like software which are easy to use, hassle free and platform independent.

A joined project sounds interesting, you can send details using the Email link on the left low corner below my avatar wink

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Hello Jumper, Mathias ans others

Idea of a collective work is interessant. Why Not ?
The stumbling block is to find a theme that is not redundant and and not to create indefinitely wheel.
With MVD, anyone can create an application in its own interests.
In my case, as I am retired and I do not program no more for my old company,
MVD I use for my own hobbies.
Thus, MVD has allowed me to create applications (not an industrial complex) for:
- Adress manager
- Software manager
- Book manager
- Wildflowers manager in France and Europe
- Birds manager in Europe and France (with photos,songs and videos)
- Comix manager
- Family inventory
- Family Health Book
- Songs birds managers (son associated with a picture)
- Medicinal plants manager (for a friend herborist)
- DVD manager
- Insects manager
- Dinos application (at the request of my granddaughter). For this latter application, I'll put more time because I want to create each dinosaur in 3D and make them move. I have to  found my old documentation Blender).
You may say that MVD is so easy to handle it is easy to quickly create a database manager. It is true that I feel comfortable with MVD.
In a collective work (especially with players scattered around the world), the hard part will be finding an original theme and design a friendly discipline. Since I spoke Blender, look at the collective team that has developed this amazing tool !
But the basic idea is very interesting. It will take only that all components are fully implemented in MVD functional (Treeview, possibility of working on canvas, colors and personalization facilities and other buttons and so on). And finally, to ask Dmitry what he thinks about. It might be thought that her child escapes him (which is when the sign that users have appropriated its creation).

To read you


Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Hi JB. I like the idea of a few of us working together. From what I can tell, our personalities seem quite similar. And that's good. Makes for a happy team. When you talk about finding a theme... are you talking about the forms looking the same way visually? Or are you talking about making a program that does different things, but all in the same vein? An example of the latter would be an application that works like some programs are made now. The have a main form and for all the things that the software can do is fire off smaller applications to do one thing. Make sense? Hope so smile

And yes, I think the interface should be easy to figure out and work with for end users (if I understand what you are saying). I just thought about something that might be a good example of launching different modules. A lot of utility programs do this. If you have a chance, look at a program called BoostSpeed. It's a good example.

Also, I'm retired too (I'm an old guy). And I program because I not only enjoy it, but it's good for my brain.

Well, this may be premature, but I say that we have a team of four individuals to work on a project. Of course,  no one has committed yet really. But we all have plenty of time to think it over. For me.... my thoughts are: Let's do it smile

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

Scott Adams

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

jean... I sent you a note, but don't know if I messed it up or not. If you haven't go a email in a while from MVD, send me an email message.


Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

Scott Adams

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Hello Jumper

Yes I received your mail.
I prefer to let Christmas and New Year's celebrations before returning to you
Merry Christmas and good new year to you (and all fans of MVD and especially Dmitry).

But who is Dmitry ?
We only know him by his expertises, his availability to meet all and very varied fields.
But who is he really?
Could we learn more about our essential comrade ?

See next year !


Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Hello all,

I found a very interesting article explaining Version Control here :

http://betterexplained.com/articles/a-v … n-control/

If you dig a little, this site is a GOLD MINE. Things like The Euler number, imaginary numbers and many many other things are explained really simply.

A happy reading, and a happy new year to all of you.



I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

13 (edited by jumper 2015-12-31 01:05:37)

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Hi mathmathou, thanks for the link. It really describes in simple terms what is and why you need source/version control. Even if you're just doing programming by yourself, it will make your life so much easier. I have to admit that lately I haven't been  using source control, and there have been times where I really regret it. Losing days of work in not fun smile

Being able to backup your work when it's in working condition is worth it's weight in gold. Here's a site I checked out that might work good for us. https://bitbucket.org/?_mid=3636d6df38e … ApDP8P8HAQ

For teams of 5 or less, it's free, check it out and see what you think. Actually, I already have us an account there in case we decide to use the site.
And yes, happy new year to everyone.... (you to Dimitry).

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

Scott Adams

Re: Question about developing software. How do you decide what to program?

Funny... this is the one I use smile

Just an advise, if you want to test for yourself :

  • create a empty folder with the name of you project on your HD

  • setup your repo and make it point to your bitbucket account and to your local folder

  • now create your MVD project and save it to the folder you previously created

  • commit that version as tag 1.0.0 or anything

  • you're ready

If you try to link a already existing folder that is not empty, you'll get an error.

Use Source Tree as recommended on Bitbucket for visual and easy version commit

You might also, with Source Tree get an error like your email adress is not valid. If so, got to settings (upper right icon on Source Tree), then advanced tab, and change "user info" from global to what you used on Bitbucket.

Happy coding and talk to you soon



I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor