Topic: Two questions - Textbox and spell checker


how can i limit the number of characters of a TextBox?

is it possible to have a speel checker like we have on MSWord with the hints for those words that we wrote wrong?

Re: Two questions - Textbox and spell checker

Hello montenegro

1 - Yes : Form TextBox component, open Additionals and set MaxLength
Ex : Form1.MaxLength := 10;

2 - I  guess no.  MVD has no vocation to be a word processor


Re: Two questions - Textbox and spell checker

Hello montenegro

Forgive me , I miss an expression :
You have to read :

Form1.Edit1.MaxLength := 10;


Re: Two questions - Textbox and spell checker

no problem smile thanks

Re: Two questions - Textbox and spell checker

Additionally, in MVDB 2.3, there is an additional property: "MaxLength" for the textboxes where you can easily do it without script.