Topic: webgrid questions

1) can I save and load webgrid informations? Or only Save.

2) I Need a possibility to set some fiels in webgrid as enable edit and other fields
without enable edit. See Picture.

Re: webgrid questions

no idea ?

Re: webgrid questions


1. It's just first version of webgrid, in the moment available just basic functionality, but in the future will be improved.

2. Please open index.html  file in any text editor, where you can change settings of some fields in webgrid as enable edit/create and visibility in the grid, example:

                                lastname: {
                                    title: 'Last Name',
                                    create: true,
                                    edit: true,
                                    list: true,
                                    width: '20%'},
                                firstname: {
                                    title: 'First Name',
                                    create: true,
                                    edit: true,
                                    list: true,
                                    width: '20%'},
                                dateofbirth: {
                                    title: 'Date of birth',
                                    create: true,
                                    edit: true,
                                    list: true,
                                    type: 'date',
                                    width: '20%'},

just change

edit: true,


edit: false,

To disable edit the field.


Re: webgrid questions

Very good! Thanks a lot.