Topic: Pls. help. _ edit specific data

i have an application to record user problems & their solution.
i want that after problem entry only solution field would be active for data entry.

but when i click edit button then the entire thing is opened for editing. which i do not want

any help is highly appreciated. thanks..

Re: Pls. help. _ edit specific data

Hello Nrmudli,
I would do it this way (but there are other ways too)
procedure formX_OnShow (Sender: string; Action: string);
  if action <> 'NewRecord' then form2.editX.readonly := true;
Hope this helps,

3 (edited by nrmuduli 2016-04-18 10:34:29)

Re: Pls. help. _ edit specific data

thanks for your help. it works when the data entry was done on a separate form.
but in my case it is on the same form (my data entry & main form are same) .
i need when a user double clicks / clicks on edit button then only specified fields like solution box will be enabled for editing & rest are locked.

thanks again for your help.

file attached with out dlls for your na.

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Re: Pls. help. _ edit specific data

Hi Again,
Didn't realise you were doing it all on the same form.
In that case, I might make my edit fields readonly and make them editable when clicking ADD or EDIT.
Instead of making them readonly, you could make them invisible - it's just another way of doing it although it can make the form look a bit odd.
Anyway, I have attached your project with a couple of suggestions, but, as I say, there are lots of different ways.

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Re: Pls. help. _ edit specific data

thanks derek,

exactly what i need. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and support.